Should refunds go to all reservations made prior to March 14, 2020

Level 2
Alexandria, VA

Should refunds go to all reservations made prior to March 14, 2020

 I made my reservation back in January but the checkin date is not util May 2, 2020. I understand that the COVID - 19 impacts both consumers and business but in my case proper planning is not paying off because I decided to book early. Im losing over $1000 because the check date is after April 14

1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Latoya20 

honestly the best thing i would advice you right now is to reach out to your host and see what could be done or wait it out (if you think this is a better option for you but please be aware that Airbnb’s COVID-19 Extenuating circumstance policy was rolled out without any prior communication to hosts and it really was a low blow, hitting some harder than others as everyone’s economical status varies).


Right now, the world needs more kindness and compassion- this would also probably help in potentially getting a more favourable outcome for you both. 
Good luck and stay safe