Smoking, vaping

Level 1
Boyceville, WI

Smoking, vaping


I have been a host for about 8 months. When setting up my posting, I had checked 'no' to smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes allowed.  This weekend guest reached out to me and asked if they could vape.  I told her that it was posted in the rules but she came back and told me through a visual picture that the rule just says, smoking with a line through it.


Is there anyway to change that statement in the rules so that it says no smoking, vaping or e-cigarettes?  
Maybe this will never happen again but this is the first AirBnb experience for this guest.  


any suggestions?



6 Replies 6
Level 10
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Jill1504,


I am sorry this happened to you and hopefully it will not happen again.  I know this can be quite frustrating.


You are correct in what it states in the settings but this is not reflected when the guests looks and hopefully this is something that Airbnb will fix in the future.  What I do is include it in the additional house rules section and clearly spell it out, including "no drugs".  The guest must accept the house rules before the booking is confirmed so I would recommend you add it there.  

All the best!




Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Thank you David.  I will make that change now.  


Wow! I never noticed that! 


I just checked and the Host side says no smoking or vaping, but the guest side just shows no smoking. That is an issue for sure. We have never had a problem with it as we reiterate no smoking or vaping of any kind in our Addl House Rules. @Dave-and-Deb0 mentions adding to your Addl House Rules and looks like you have done that. 


What the Host Sees



What the Guest Sees



@Bhumika , @Rebecca could you forward this to the appropriate team at Airbnb? The guest side should match what the Host side is. It should say "No smoking or vaping."



Thank you for your response.  Rebecca, if you cannot forward this, I will contact AirBnB.





Yes, you can do this here:




Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Done...thank you