Some people are never happy, no matter what you do..

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

Some people are never happy, no matter what you do..

This morning the guests staying at the island send me this photo of two of them having to work off the extra pounds they are gaining as a direct result of our cook cooking too good; here they are working off the excess calories from oding on her delicious morning 'fry jacks'. 😉



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Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Haha! @Fred13 That's hilarious! You have managed to put a good title to your post😆

Glad they are having a lot of fun working out after having those delicious fry jacks

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Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Now Fred, are you having us on here.......

As I zoom in that looks suspiciously like you and your partner doing a bit of a workout during your Bird Island cleaning regime!!!

If it is, good on you Fred.


It does look like us, but is some crazy guests working of the guilt of eating too much. 🙂