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I have 7 years of 5 star ratings in Santa Monica, California. Suddenly I had hardly anything in December ‘23, only one booking in January, one booking in March, then nothing at all. I’ve always been fully booked. I dont’ understand.
Is anyone else having this problem?
I would appreciate any insights!
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Hello Everyone.
Here are links to the best information I can find. Also, I’ve read the last 2 quarter earnings report, (the most recent one from last week.) You will find a link to the latest one below. I have also included a few other links I found helpful in putting together why we have had a slow spell.
I’ll say that my listings picked up after I’ve lowered the price $30 a night, which is a good amount, considering how expensive everything has gotten. Also I cut the cleaning fee to $50.
Based on what I have read in both the earnings reports, along with reading a few other articles found on the internet, I think a lot of the slow down had to do with Airbnb purposely trying to lower rates as well as bring in more hosts. The “guest favorite” filter gives new hosts more opportunity to get listings faster as it regenerates every 24 hours, while superhost status is every month or so. (I forget how long exactly, but, it’s a longer qualifying period)
As well, I was told by a support ambassador that the order of listings sorts randomly over periods of time, regardless if you are a guest favorite or not. (Superhost does not give you any advantage in search options anymore.) This was done for the same reason; to give new hosts the opportunity to be featured.
I’ve noticed that at times my listing only appears as a blank dot on the map, especially when I put in a blanket search for Santa Monica. This is even if I put in the guest favorite filter. Rather unfortunate, and I would say, unfair. But that’s that and unless they are reading this and decide to do something about it, that’s the way they are doing it.
The earnings reports also talked about how they are trying to be more competitive with hotels price-wise. Overall rates on hotels have gone up around 10%, while Airbnb has gone down a bit. Airbnb considers this a win. And perhaps over the long run it will be for us, as well. It has always been an advantage here, because and equal quality hotel is a fortune.
Finally, it seems that Airbnb is buying small boutique hotels here and there in an effort to diversify its portfolio. In the earnings reports they allude to “acquiring” investment opportunities, but that’s it. However, an ambassador confirmed that they are doing this. They are waiting to announce it. If you google it, you will find articles.
I hope this has helped sort it out. If anyone else has any input, please speak up under this reply. It’s nice to have it all in one place. This is otherwise an extremely long thread.
Here are the links promised.
February 13, 2024 earnings call:
re: boutique hotels:
Random articles:
Airbnb vs hotels: Why are customers and hosts over Airbnb? - Vox
Are Your Airbnb Bookings Down? Statistics, Factors, & Tips
@Victoria1216 Me too. I wish they would respond here because we are all asking the same thing. Having the same issue. They must know. They report earnings soon. Maybe they will make a statement then.
Have you called Airbnb?
This is happening in my area as well, unfortunately.
Im having the same issue! Last year one of my properties Jan was the highest income month of the year and this year 2024 we merely have 3 bookings for the month and at low rates. Im not sure whats going on. I was googling it and thats how I came across this forum. All of my properties are performing terrible this month. Is this an airbnb thing? is it a people not traveling thing? Im not sure but I am welcome to any suggestions or tips. Hope it gets better for all of us!
@Alejandra729 well 3 in January is better than most these days. I have one and the price is 30% lower than last year. Maybe it’s a combination of things. Plus some bad players are giving it a bad name in the media.
if you read through some of these posts, various reasons come up. There may be truth in all of them. I’m Hoping it will play itself out and us sincere hosts will succeed in the end.
Hello Michelle
I just happened to go here to ask the same questions. I have been a super host for 13 years! Doing fantastic slowed down lend of last year. But Wow, This year is so slow. I know the market is oversaturated. Trying ti brainstorm ideas.
I just did another search for your listing, and yours is on the bottom row of the 2nd page which is pretty decent.
I also noticed you picked up some new bookings.
@Zheng49 Yes, I did. I’m spending time doing searches and maybe that helps. Still nothing like it was before. I have a lot of vacant nights. I wish we could get an answer from AirBnB as to what is going on.
I did another search for your property, it's still on the bottom row of the 2nd page.
I noticed you picked up a few more bookings too. Well good luck!
Thank you. I’ve done all I can at this point. It’s very slow. Maybe it will pick up. Or maybe it’s over. Still haven’t heard from Airbnb on this in spite of this thread with so many similar complaints.
IMO 2nd page is pretty good. I mean it's not first page, but 2nd page is pretty good. At least it's there.
I didn't mean it that way. For me I think 2nd page is good. Not sure if your listing used to be on the 1st page?
Search ranking wise, I think your listing trumps all my rooms. Like if you search for Toronto, my rooms will be like way down, but if you search for Scarborough then they're kinda high up there. Which is bad because noone searches for Scarborough, everyone searches for Toronto.
I'm not sure if people search for Santa Monica specifically or if they search for something more general like Los Angeles.
Just trying to figure out if your ranking is sufficient or not. Like if people search for Santa Monica, then imo your listing is in a good place, but if people search for Los Angeles, then it's almost assuredly not as high up unless Santa Monica is considered central LA.
Thank you for following and caring! I heard from @Rebecca today who says she is following this but hasn’t heard anything from Airbnb yet. So strange.
Hey @Michele511, just to let you know that I still have my eyes on this thread and your concerns. I've sent your questions over and awaiting a response too. Thank you for your continued patience. 🙏
Hi Rebecca, I have a similar issue with no bookings for Jan and only a few for Feb. usually my flats are fully booked. It would be good to get some feedback from airbnb
Always had back to back. I even extended beyond Airbnb and still dead. Had a couple in December and 1 so far in January. I dropped rates by 30%. It’s really strange. Don’t know what’s happening.
@Laura7042 I did hear back from @Rebecca yesterday and gave her some specific questions. She is one of the community administrators. She said she is going to try to find answers. You may have some of your own questions for her.
I’m hoping to hear something soon!