I've been a host for about a year now and love Airbnb. I rea...
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I've been a host for about a year now and love Airbnb. I really like being a guest but hosting is another matter. I've had so...
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Hi everyone,
We have reached that time in the year again for the quarterly Superhost assessment, where we celebrate all of your hard work! This evaluation period started on the 1st of April and will run until the 14th of April, after which you will hear how you did. We look back over your past year of hosting to review your performance, but there's no minimum tenure to become a Superhost, as long as you met all the criteria by the 1st April.
For more information about the Superhost program, have a look at this page.
We would like to wish you all good luck with this Superhost evaluation round!
Sure, if I remember.
Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host
It is fixed now Carrie and Bill.
Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host
I've just had a warning that i may not get superhost because only 19% of my guests have left a review. Firstly, I dont think that calculation is correct as that would suggest that only one in 5 guests have reviewed me, which is clearly wrong. I would have noticed that I was receiving hardly any reviews.
Secondly, how on earth can that be fair to allow guests failure to leave a review affect my superhost status? I have no control over another persons decision to take the time to leave a review? Some people bother and some don't, in this world of over reviewing many people are just getting fed up of having to review everything they do. I think this is unfair.
So glad to hear this is a glitch. But more so I think the requirement is inappropriate altogether. I’ve been a guest at 2 Airbnb listings in 2 years. The recent one showed me the review process from the guest side has become elaborate and time consuming. Definitely a situation where more of the type of people who like to complain will complete the form, and a lot of busy happy people will close it and get on with their lives.
It is absolutely ridiculous to make my hard-earned Super Host status contingent upon something that is BEYOND MY CONTROL (as if I can badger, nag, and/or somehow 'force' a guest to leave a review after they check out). We hosts have enough 'uncontrollable' factors to deal with - Why strip of us of our Super Host title because a certain percentage of guests failed to review their stay?
It simply makes no sense.
Dear Rebecca, probably you do but maybe you don't: I always send guests a message in which I ask them to make a review. When I meet the guest I also ask them if I have the feeling the guest otherwise will not leave a review. In this case I explain then how important it is. When the conversation gets there, I also sometimes explain to older people and first time bookers how the star system works (because a lot of people think 3 star is good when they are not used to the system). Sometimes I type personal message other times I use a saved standard message. In both I start by putting the name of the guest (this helps a lot because most people like to read their own name and the changes for a reaction are higher when you do). Good luck hosting!
Thanks for the heads-up Quincy. You have any advice on what to do in my situation?
My all time average is still above 4.8 but due to these two bad reviews, the average of the last year is just under 4.8 and rounded to 4.7
Must be some mistake. Obviously!! I am in the same situation. I already sent several mails..but no answers at all.
It's been fixed.
It was a global problem.
Airbnb Technical department were well aware of it, and it's been fixed in the past hour.
I really don't care so much about SH. But what I noticed: last rating was 1st of July 2019, and with 2 bad ratings (location)I went back to 4.7 and the 3rd of July the SH was gone. Now w're the 3rd of October, and they will give your status on then14th/10.(for the moment it is 4.8) Where is the logic?