Suspended Account

Suspended Account

Hi all 


Hoping for some advice on the below situation.


I am a loyal Air BnB customer and have recently made a booking to a home. Unfortunately the host had to cancel due to selling their home, I therefore opted to receive a credit for the booking (thinking I was going to rebook another accommodation immediately). 

Since then, I have attempted to make bookings for the same dates and Air BnB cancels my booking immediately despite my host accepting. They then lock me out of my account, I contact them to restore my account and once restored attempt to rebook. Air BnB then immediately cancel on me. This has now happened 8 times over the past 10 days. Air BnB report I have demonstrated “suspicious activity” despite having only positive reviews and never damaging property. Air BnB is now withholding my credit and I am unable to access this as my account continues to be disabled. This I’m has been extremely stressful. 


I have spent hours in contact with Air BnB via phone, email and messenger with no assistance or resolution over the past 10 days. My credit is a significant amount that they are withholding from me. 


Has anyone had a similar issue or have any advice? At this stage I am thinking contacting Consumer Protection is my only avenue. 

Many thanks in advance 


4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Katie1718 It just goes to show how helping Airbnb by taking a credit is actually a big mistake as they will not help you when things go wrong. I suggest you hope @Quincy can persuade Airbnb to see sense and return your money or take Airbnb to the small claims court. Sad really but what choice do you have?

Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately have had no luck to date, in fact now they are withholding even more of my money in credit and from my bank account & keep cancelling my booking. Appalling! 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Katie1718 , seems like you have posted from a guest profile, so I am not able to see if the listing was activated on your Host profile or not. Was the issue resolved in the end for you?


Did you hear back from the Customer Support team?



Please follow the Community Guidelines

@Bhumika No the issue has not been resolved. 4 weeks later and air bnb is still withholding over $1000 in credit. In addition, they have suggested I try rebooking and now they are withholding money from my bank account with no active booking. So now air bnb is withholding over $3000 of mine.

I have escalated this matter to the ACCC and Consumer Protection & am awaiting further response.