The horror guest storied award goes to...

Level 1
New York, United States

The horror guest storied award goes to...

Nobody got murdered in my household, so I guess it is not that crazy, but it is definitely somewhere up there.

But what I am truly disappointed by is how Airbnb handled it and how I ended up being the losing part on all fronts.

So this young man booked this room for a month a while ago. He said that he was a chef, and had overall nice reviews. Idk what happened in between his last stay and this situation, but whatever I got was INSANE.

So the guy moves in at 3 pm, I was home working on my trip plans (I was also planning to travel myself). He had like 15 huge luggage bags, I mean whatever, but it looked weird to me. 
Around 6 pm I hear some weird sounds coming from the room, I go there and I see an empty room (literally empty). So the guy dismantled my furniture and literally threw it away to the backyard (not even porch, legit to the ground all the way down in the garden). I am talking about a queen size bed, a/c, couch... legit everything. I was bit  shocked. I asked the guy what he was doing and he said, "my back hurts I wanna sleep on the floor".

In the process of doing that, the dude trashed all my neighbors plants, literally (I think he accidentally dropped furniture on plants). Neighbors are yelling at me rn. I said that this had to end and asked the guy to leave, obviously I'd give him a refund. 

Airbnb was horrible at handling this, they constantly misunderstood the situation. They thought the guy just reshuffled the furniture, which would be ok. They couldn't comprehend that the guy would literally throw things outside. Then the guy refused to leave, he left like at 11 pm, I almost thought about calling cops, I was late to my own booking, I asked Airbnb to cancel it but have the host (my destination) paid, they said: "Unfortunately, no".

This was insane. I ended up losing on my October rent, had to still pay for my booking I missed, plants are all destroyed, my neighbors hate me, bunch of stuff is still in the backyard I need to carry it back, and all topped by Airbnb saying: "Sorry for the inconvenience, is there anything else we can help you with". Duh. 

Lolz. Idk what to say.

PS: While renting, I was about to go to my 1 month trip. And it was all airbnbs, 2 days Brooklyn, 3 days Cape Cod, 2 weeks in Istambul and then Kazakhstan. Never on Earth I would think of emptying the apartment and throwing all the furniture at the places I was staying in, because I felt like reshuffling.

16 Replies 16
Level 10
Nashville, TN

@Ermek0 Not sure how I missed this gem. I stumbled on this while looking for funny stories for an ill friend. This made her laugh out loud, so I wanted to share that with you. On another sorry this happened.