I am reaching out because I have an old Airbnb account linke...
I am reaching out because I have an old Airbnb account linked to my current phone number. Unfortunately, I no longer have acc...
The full-length mirror thread got me thinking. What have guests commented on or asked for that surprised you? In our case guests have asked for the following that we didn't have/would not have thought to supply/don't use ourselves:
1. glue for crafting
2. a lemon zester
3. a pizza cutter (we have one now, but figured the knives we have work just as well)
4. a pot filler over the stove (WAY too expensive at the moment!)
5. a blender or food processor
6. A meat thermometer (we are vegetarians so this one really passed us by.)
Because we use our space as a weekend house its fully stocked with a lot of things. But some things we would have not thought of. What have your guests asked for that you just would not have thought of or were surprised by?
*image added by Airbnb OCM https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/choosing-a-collage-glue-1249487
Interesting discussion, and helpful to know what types of things guests may have need of during their stays.
I agree - A pot filler over the stove is over-the-top expensive! Kind of glad my guests don't make suggestions like that 🙂
We haven't had many requests - there were 2 that I was kind of embarrassed NOT to have had already:
1. A chair by the door, so that guests could sit down while removing/putting on their shoes. This was such a no-brainer that I really felt like a yutz for not having it in place already!
2. Kitchen tongs
The last request I've had is for a crock pot. Still ruminating over this one. We've never owned one, but I can see how it would be convenient for guests to throw whatever into it, go out for their day, then come home to a fully cooked meal. BUT - 2 things that I'm fussing about on this: 1. Not a big fan of encouraging use of electrical appliances in an unoccupied space; and 2. I'm a bit worried about how icky it would get. I've seen the crock pots of some of my friends, and they seem to get a big build-up of crud on them, unless you're ultra vigilant. Not sure I want to add that to my cleaning list.
Beyond those 3 things, we've not had requests for anything else. I'd like to think it's because we've anticipated everything else, but I suspect it's more to do with having non-fussy guests 🙂
@Jennifer1421 we don't want to deal with cleaning a crock pot so we don't supply one. Our place has very thick walls that are made of solid stone and smells tend to linger so we probably would not be fans of that. Stew might smell delicious on day one, but not on day 3.
I didn't even think of cooking odour with them, @Laura2592.
The most lingering smell we've had was from maple-flavoured bacon. Not a word of a lie, it took 4 days to get rid of the smell. It wasn't really unpleasant, but very, very heavy throughout our suite. I couldn't believe how long it stuck around! Made me wonder just what the "flavouring" was made from - sure wasn't real maple syrup...
I was once asked for a wheelchair, after the guests pitched up at 7pm on a Friday evening (so not a chance of even finding anywhere open to hire one at that time, or probably at anytime over the weekend) Considering it was for the family's 85 year old grandad, whose mobility really wasn't the best, you'd think they might have tried to arrange such an essential amenity before they arrived...
Luckily, I do happen to have a wheelchair for my guests' use - and very popular it is too! That little baby has been out for many, many jaunts around Dublin, and far beyond 🙂
@Susan17 now you gave me food for thought. I will have to think about getting one of the little folding ones. We had one for my mom before she passed. It was very useful.
Yeah, that's the type I have @Laura2592, and it really does come in handy, even for those who don't think they might need one, and greatly over-estimate their elderly family members' ability to pound the streets for hours on end on sight-seeing days out.
I'm aways very careful to only quietly mention its availability to the younger family members first though, just in case the grandparents take the suggestion that they might need the use of a wheelchair as an insult! 🙂
@Laura2592 @Stephanie @Dimitar27 @Erica266 @Danielle476 @Susan17
@Marit-Anne0 and @everyone-else
One used to be able to borrow or perhaps hire wheelchairs from good pharmacies in our shopping malls, they should bring back such acts of goodwill in our communities.
Do you have any in your location that have them available?
Personally I think it's unfortunate that differently enabled including visually impaired are not so well welcomed in mainstream society since everything has become so overpopulated and congested.
One doesn't see these people out and about so visibly these days.
Do others find the same in their location?
I've once been taken home in a wheelchair @Susan17 ... but it was after a night of serious "partying" in town. Having said that, it might have been an office wheelie chair. For some reason, I just can't seem to remember the night fully.
Lol! Now why doesn't that surprise me, Steph?! Whatever it was you were wheeled home in though (Asda trolley perhaps??), it sounds like it was a bloody fine evening out! 😉
Blankets "because I hate duvets" and when I said sorry, it is not the custom in Norway to use blankets, they are not even available for purchase. Besides, they are considered unhygenic. The comment was "but the hotels have them". Left a nice review though, so they must somehow have survived the duvets.
A milk frother, after I showed her the different ways of making coffee. But she may have been sarcastic because when I showed it to her she said she did not need it. It is just a little battery driven trinket from Ikea.
@Laura2592 @Marit-Anne0 @Susan17 @Jennifer1421
An axe file.
Re crockpots we provide that and various other small appliances and consistently get positive review comments about how well the kitchen is stocked... guests really seem to love them.
I was wondering just what sort of guests you're getting that would need an axe file, @Lisa723, til I had a look at your listings 🙂 Phew! NOT axe wielding (against other humans) guests!
Do you find the crockpots a challenge to keep pristine, or do you find your guests tend to look after them well?
I don’t know whether it’s the guests or my excellent cleaners but cleanliness has not been an issue.