I have a horrible dispute with both the Host and Airbnb for a horrible stay in Manchester. The condition the host let the guest live in for 195eu/3nights are:
- Moldy bathroom - a health hazzard no less
- Saggy mattress where you slept directly on the steel spring
- Smoke alarm beeping every minute
- House covered in food smell the whole day
I requested partial refund after the trip with the videos and pictures recorded for the claim, and the reason Airbnb explained that I am not allowed for AirCover is that I did not complain to them during the stay- which is completely illogical to me.
So tips for you if you stay with Airbnb and experience horrible conditions:
- Complain, complain and complain as soon as possible! Don't be a nice person and complain only after because it will not help your dispute.
- Record everything! Videos, pictures, etc.
- Be mindful that the host can write false review about you and Airbnb will not do anything to take it down if it's not violation of the content policy - which only concerns the profanity, discrimination, commercial purpose - and not concerns about the validity of the review.
Hope this will help you with your future dispute and protect yourself as a traveller.