Today's Inquiry

Level 10
Frederick, MD

Today's Inquiry

"Hi I love the pics of your cottage. I just like to confirm a few things before I consider possibly booking. First of all, my finance and I are looking for a weekend in winter months to get away from life to relax and caught a breath of busy life. We love to sit by fire on a cold or chilly winter day or evening, play games, watch movies, take a leisure brisk walk and probably eat in most meals during our stay. I normally would bring already made food for us but we might decide to go drive around and grab a bite. We have a five year old back lab mix named Jax. Just to confirm your place is pet friendly and is there any extra fees? We had a place to go to PA - Poconos but the owners sold the place therefore we are looking for another rental that could be a yearly winter escape for a long weekend. However we never tried Maryland area. We are from PA and are used to cabin in woods in poconos. Can you give me an idea about location and if this is like being in woods or is this more like busy life surrounding the cabin? What would be something you can share that would make us want to give your cabin a try? Thank you for your time!!!"


Zero reviews. No verifications.

No, I can't share anything that will make you want to stay. 

All of the info about pets are in the listing.

All of the information about having visible neighbors and being less private in winter is in the listing.

I think the Poconos people probably sold just in time....

11 Replies 11
Level 6
Erin, Canada


@Kelly251 I feel like saying "tell me what would convince ME I wanted you to stay?"

Level 10
Greenville, SC

Oh, come on, you don’t really expect for them to actually read the listing, do you? 😅


I have to say, this makes me remember all the times when I have asked the hotel desk questions at booking time, or even during my stay. I bet ALL of the answers were “in the listing”, and probably induced lots of eye-rolling on the part of the hotel staff dealing with me. 🙂


I bet that you answer these questions from your guests, too, and that the above is only what you *want* to say. 🙂

@Pat271 This was my response. We get our lowest location ratings in the winter and guests who need a lot of things to entertain them (other than the firepit/fireplace, books, games, records, and various cable/streaming services) are often unhappy. We really don't need to sell someone who is obviously looking for a different listing.


"Thanks for your interest! Unfortunately I don't think we would be a fit for your winter stay. Our cottage has visible neighbors as Maryland is a very high density population state for its size 🙂 We are on a long skinny lot that has great tree cover in the summer but the cottage becomes a lot more exposed in the winter. There are also not a lot of spaces nearby for walks that are pleasant in the winter. There are some great restaurants about a half hour each way from our space in Frederick and Westminster, but Keymar doesn't have anything other than a little general store that serves sandwiches.

Best of luck finding your winter getaway!"

@Laura2592  Great answer! Expectations are everything - much better for guests like this to find their perfect spot elsewhere. Send them on their way, kindly, with your blessings. 🙂

@Pat271 exactly.  They could be perfectly fine. Its just a matter of not matching what I can offer. If you want to be in a forest that is also near to dining and entertainment, that isn't our cottage in February. 

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Laura2592  Jesus Christ.  Who does that?  Write me up something that will induce me to book, if I choose your essay, you win, and I'll book.  Run!


I always love your carefully worded answers, so please post whatever you say to this nut.

Yes @Mark116 ! Exactly. Please write me an essay to convince me to stay here.  If you would like, you can employ Don Draper at Sterling Cooper to do the pitch and I will consider it. 


I posted my response to @Pat271 above. We get our pickiest guests in winter, so I don't really need a brand new ABB user ready to hold up the score cards if they don't feel that my winning essay matched the mental image they built in their head. 

Level 10
Orono, ME

No, no, no. (where is that little facepalm emoji?)


@Kelly149 please create some longwinded ramble that we can laugh at 🙂

@Emilia42 reverse psychology, but I only write missives to guests who don't ask for them.

My answer to this gal would be:


"no" or maybe "good luck with that" or if feeling truly hospitable "I hope you enjoy your trip"



*but I did just write an absurdly long message for @Inna22 's confetti problem, so you could hop over and enjoy that instead



Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Laura2592 Dear xxx, my place might be best suited for your vacation winter after next as I hope you will spend this coming one reading my listing so you are familiar with what I offer by the time you come.

I do have my place up for sale but will mostly likely not sell it by the time you come as this is not a popular area due to lack of activities in the winter.

I am a little tide up answering a similar question by a guest coming in August, I will then answer the one coming in October. You are up next, I promise! I hope the dates will still be available.