Unsolicited emails from host, not cool!

Level 1
Kerrville, TX

Unsolicited emails from host, not cool!

We've received an email from an Airbnb place that we've never actually stayed, only inquired about almost 5 years ago.  Why are hosts sending unsolicited emails.  Really NOT cool how can we get emails like this to stop?


Has the owners account been hacked?   Is this a new marketing scam?



RE: Pre-approval at Angeltom Cabin: 20 Acre Woods - Sleeps up to 16! for Jun 19 - 21, 2020

Angelina And Tomas Deocampo saw you're interested in staying at Angeltom Cabin: 20 Acre Woods - Sleeps up to 16! and pre-approved your trip for June 19, 2020 - June 21, 2020. You can now book by 6:36 PM on May 18, 2020 to confirm your reservation.

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA



I would contact Airbnb support as it looks like a tech glitch. Why would they send an email Preapproval for dates 5 years ago?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi there @Laura7135 👋


This is really interesting and I wondered if you'd be able to provide us with a screenshot of the message so we can see when it was sent (there's usually a date/time stamp on them). It could be that it was a notification from 2020 and not a new message but a screenshot would help us clarify. 


If it is indeed a bug, I can then take this away and raise with our tech team. 


Looking forward to hearing from you,

Rebecca 🌟



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