Weird inquiry

Level 3
Mumbai, India

Weird inquiry

I received an inquiry request from someone named Jose who wanted to book for 6 nights. His Airbnb profile was complete, but he didn’t have any reviews etc. however as soon as I sent the pre approval, the profile name automatically changed to Deepika (a girl) & the profile incomplete now. Does anyone know why would this happen & how to deal with it? 

They sent me some questions before I sent the pre-approval.. which I answered. So now I’ve shared information about my property, with an unverified ID. 

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Sintra, Portugal

Hello @Karishma14 ,


when you receive an inquiry, it’s sufficient to respond promptly to maintain a good response rate. There’s no need to press ‘pre-approve’ or ‘decline.’ I usually avoid using ‘pre-approve’ as it can block the dates without a real reason, and I prefer not to press ‘decline’ to help maintain a higher acceptance rate. There are plenty of weird inquiries, so instead, I simply respond and, if the inquiry seems reasonable, I encourage the guest to proceed with a reservation.