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I have a guest from Florida, and working near by as Dr. we posted mask are required on both end entry of our property.
I have total 9 tenants here and mostly are from Airbnb. We ask each guest to wear mask, since few are travel Nurce, and now, a female dr.
first she claim she did not know we have stairs to claim, and booked 2 months over. So, I kindly let her change to one month to avoid her rent lost. Due to our long turn policy.
then , I found her not wearing mask , I softly remind her, so she wearing the mask after, without a word.
Then, last night, I found her again, not wear mask. Not only that, she even had visitor without telling. Both did not wear mask neither. And talking in hall way that every guest has to walking by at some time.
So I asked her again our policy is ‘no visitor allowed’ unless asked and agreed in advance. After hours, she replied from text, avoid reply me from Airbnb platform. She said: she did not go to work yesterday, and she was sick, and asked me : did she supposed to tell me when she is sick? And her daughter will leave tomorrow morning. That was all she said. ( So, that is extra two nights with extra person rate in my policy. )
in my opinion, she is disrespectful our policy, and disrespect other’s health at Covid-19. And she did not follow our house rules.
my other guest from Airbnb was not happy to know that as a Dr. will not wear mask at common areas in our property at all.
I am about to call Airbnb , not yet... because, I know Airbnb will not help until few weeks later...that was my experience with Airbnb before. That I have to Handel it on my own. Plus, her daughter will leave tomorrow. But, my guess is, what is next? Will there be another stranger showing up later?
should I just cancel her? She does not have any reviews on Airbnb. And she is a Dr.
how she behave is making me wonder how to trust to even visit dr. What does Dr. do when they left the office? With mask? Without mask?
looking forward to hear hosts’s opinions, and what would you do? Cancel her? Do I get polished by Airbnb? looks like never accept zero reviews from any one in the future, even they are Dr. I really thought, Dr. should care about wearing mask, and respectful . I was wrong about this Dr.
thanks for reading.
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@‘I did turn off IB longe time years back. And asked if guest will wear mask, but hey, some many people telling lies in USA. Host can only find out after catch the fact in cameras.
The problem is : when I inform other tenants, what I caught in cameras , one said: he saw that person without mask in hall way already many times. I just hope people tell me to check cameras sooner.
At Covid-19 lockdown. I am totally will treat any one doesn’t wear mask is no difference as class as rappers. Lol. Or “ thief “ they steal every one’s health freedoms. Right?! Lol
what a world we are in now. And it hasn’t change from 5000 years ago. Okay, I got it. Selfish people are every where. No wonder the “mindful “ “meditation” classes are so so hot in many countries. If we are all mindful, those class will not have a chance to take your money, but just get her together in park as community or, your house, or my house. Lol
@Karla128 LOL. Yes, I bet that even back when all humans were living in caves there were those who selfishly hoarded food meant for all to share and engaged in other antisocial behavior.
As for those yoga and meditation new-agey afficianados, there's a whole contingent of them in my town who refuse to wear masks or distance, believe that wearing a mask is unhealthy, and that they are immune from contracting the virus because they eat well and meditate. It boggles the mind.
Were those new agers from Marin County? Sometimes it's cringe-worthy to admit that's where I grew up (long, long ago!) It has a subset of Lululemon wearing anti science folk who probably spend $$$ on the Goop site and are responsible for several outbreaks of measles. Anyone who refuses to believe there are trees older than 200 years is not someone whose opinion I'd trust on any subject. Long live the Sequoia Sempervirens !
@Sally221 The ones here are from all over- US, France, Spain, Italy, Argentina, Mexico. I see them hugging and kissing in groups on the street, and sitting cheek to jowl at the juice bar where they sip their daily detox smoothie.
They would claim their attitude is based on facts that the medical establishment supresses, but the actual fact is that they are as ignorant and stupid as the right-wing anti-maskers. And a danger to the public.
Re Marin County: I once heard a M.C. resident bemoaning that it was so hard to find domestic and gardening help, because the working stiffs couldn't afford to live there. I got out my tiny violin.
You are right. People are everywhere!
One will thought " mindfulness " means : kindness too! Ah, my opinion is most of those are " self mindfulness only" 😆 🤣 😂
You are so right on that. It is not just opinions of that statement.
I had actually had a free tenant got my kindness with years of my surport. Who is or still a Zen master. I finally give up on her! What an experience of my slow learning process. Of course, not her fault. Mine fault to miss opinions on her behaviors. Lol
@Karla128 I've told a couple of those types, when they screwed me over on rent or leaving stuff behind they expected me to store for free until whenever they came back for it, that people who are truly spiritual, not just going through the motions, know that you can't acheive spritual enlightenment if you don't have your s**t together on the reality plane and expect other people to pick up your slack.
Nothing wrong with spiritual pursuits, yoga and meditation, it just doesn't take the place of day to day responsibility.
Sorry, my iPad keep missing words, or my finger. Lol