What should I do if the guest booked for 3 but they are 5 or6

What should I do if the guest booked for 3 but they are 5 or6

As a host, I'm seeking advice on handling a situation where the father of some guests rented a flat for them. He initially stated there would be 4 people, but booked for 3. After checking the gas and electricity usage, I noticed there are more than 4 -6 people staying there. When I asked the father to add an extra guest for safety and cleaning reasons, he denied there were more than 3 people. However, today I visited the property with the cleaner and saw bottles and a mess everywhere, which confirmed that more than 3 guests are staying there. In our Airbnb chat, the father admits that sometimes there are additional people temporarily. I'm worried that if I take action, they will leave a bad review. I'm unsure how to proceed since this situation seems unfair. Can you please offer some advice? Also they had a party's and is against house rule

This is a long booking from 16  of June  until 6 of July 

I need an advice please 

6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Dan21606 If you report the party your listing will be suspended. I know that sounds incredible but sadly it seems to be Airbnbs process.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Dan21606 👋


Sorry to read your current situation with your guests. I wondered if you'd had any thoughts on what to do, as you mentioned they're there until 6 July? It would be lovely to hear from you. 


@Ana2038@Debra300 & @Lorna170 - I wondered what you would do in this situation and if you had any advice to offer @Dan21606? Thank you so much in advance. 😊



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 10
Santa Ana, CA

@Dan21606, I have to agree with @Mike-And-Jane0 , that reporting an unauthorized party to Airbnb, which is against Airbnb and your house rules, will result in Airbnb suspending your listing. It also sounds like this was a third party booking, which I believe is against Airbnb policy. I would leave a review, based on facts on the guest(s). Clearly state if they in fact broke your house rules. Rate them on cleanliness, etc.. and most importantly, if you would recommend them to other host(s).  



In moving forward, I would install an exterior camera, disclose it according to Airbnb guidelines on your listing. You need to be proactive and protect your investment/property. 


Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia



It's too late for this reservation,  but it sounds like you need house rules about visitors, quiet hours and cleanliness.  On our listings, depending upon the type of rental space, we either state that no visitors or no more than two are allowed, and no unregistered guests are may stay overnight (we define this period as the quiet hours which are in the house rules).  We also state that guests are required to clean up after themselves during their stay and we provide the cleaning supplies.


A host should have only a reasonable concern about a bad review when deciding the best approach to enforce house rules.  You didn't state if the son is a registered guest on the reservation, but it's absolutely required if you're not requiring the father to be present.  At our Atlanta apartment, we have gotten reservations from parents of college children for winter breaks and internships.  The parents may stay for a short time or make periodic visits, but aren't the primary persons staying in the rental.  We take only long-term bookings at this place and require a $350 USD extra services fee to be paid via the Resolution Center and refund any unused amount about a week after the reservation ends.  You may want to consider something similar that corresponds to length of stay and guest composition.

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Level 2
Sag Harbor, NY


I once had a personal assistant try to book for her client, I insisted that the client book in her own name which she then did.

I also had  2 people who then had a third person arrive late at night and leave early in the AM, they denied that the third person was sleeping over. We took photos of them coming and going and submitted these with a complaint to Airbnb. Airbnb supported us and fined the 2 who had booked the stay. I had no problem like others have mentioned about their listing being suspended, did not happen for me.


Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia



Airbnb often suspends a listing after the reporting of a party, regardless if it's the host, another guest, a neighbor, etc.  I am unaware of a suspension occurring because a host reported additional unregistered guests.

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center