Why is the guest profile picture no longer visible until booking confirmed?

Level 4
Waratah, Australia

Why is the guest profile picture no longer visible until booking confirmed?

Hello everyone, I am a single parent with a young child and I have been hosting for quite some time. 


I am selective as to who I host as I share the space. I am appalled that when a guest books I can no longer see their profile picture. 


I want a visual on who I am potentially hosting! 


They can see ours, so how is it fair we can not see them?


i understand this may be an attempt to prevent discrimination but we are the people opening our homes.

It’s a saftety issue that air bnb has over looked. I will now be asking for full names and further details, which will slow the approval process.


Anybody else feeling this way?


Top Answer
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom
47 Replies 47

Very interesting. Well, I can see them encouraging more big players to sign up, as that seems to be what they are actively trying to promote, and since so many went to other platforms in disgust at how Airbnb handled the COVID cancellations.


But I doubt they'd care a whit if little guys like you or me or Russell, who has 2 entire places and 2 private room listings, threatened to delete our listings.



Level 1
Richmond, VA

I think guests shouldn't see host's picture before booking for the same reason hosts can't see guest's picture before booking.  Please consider this Airbnb.  I was very uncomfortable with an inquiring guest seeing my picture and asking me if they should send a picture of themselves when all I asked was for them to add identity verification to their profile prior to booking which I do ask of any guest without verified identity.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Sorry I don't agree. As hosts we are the business owner and seeing our new hoots helps instil trust for guests.  @Ramona79 


There's nothing wrong with a gues asking if they should send a photo - they just misunderstood what you said.,