Wildfire Prevention Messaging

Wildfire Prevention Messaging

I am with the Texas A&M Forest Service and we are always looking for new ways to share fire prevention messages with travelers. I know from personal experience that many vacation rentals have a book with instructions, things to do, etc. and I think that would be the perfect place to add a fire prevention message. Are there any hosts in Texas that would be interested in adding a fire prevention message to lower the wildfire risk in their area?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



From here in Ontario, Canada we do have fire bans at times.  For your information - I include in my house rules reference that local fire/campfire bans must be adhered to.  The house rules is a contract with the guest.  As well  I provide local firewood free and ban guests from bringing their own  just to help ensure that there is no transfer of invasive bugs.