Our listing is in a rural area, very peaceful, wooded 8 acres with a pond. Most of the time, it is very quiet. On certain days, I think when the wind changes direction, the airplanes coming in to land at the airport 15 miles away (could be more like 8 miles, as the crow flies), pass overhead. This is not their normal, preferred flight path. Because it is a rural area, on these days, it is a total of about 5 planes, spaced throughout the day. This happens about 1 day out of 7 days on average.
Should I mention this in the listing, to be honest? Or not mention it, since it is not happening very often? I think mentioning it gives a false impression that this happens a lot, but if I don't mention it at all, will someone be upset if they hit one of those airplane days, and they are surprised?
Thank you for your advice.