You’ve reached the max confirmation attempts. Try again in 24 hours

You’ve reached the max confirmation attempts. Try again in 24 hours

When trying to verify my phone number in Airbnb, it says, "you've reached maximum confirmation attempts, try again in 24 hours."

But I didn't try to verify my number before. What is causing this?  Please help. 

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA



This is a community of guests and hosts, so I would suggest reaching out directly to Airbnb customer service to get help on this. A while back when I started on these boards I got that same response but it was because I logged into the community center too many times (it logs you out often or if you close the app you have to reverify). Maybe someone accidentally was trying to verify with your number so it blocked you?


@Rebecca @Elisa (community board moderators but not directly customer support) is there a team you could send her concern to?

Hi Lorina14,

Thank you for your reply. I don't have my account logged in any other devices other than my own. I need to urgently book a place, but I cannot proceed to booking without verifying my phone number. When I enter my phone number, I'm given a pop up that says I've reached maximum attempts. But I did not make any attempts at all, nor is my account logged in anywhere. 

I'm in a difficult spot, so I'm reaching out to the community, in hopes someone faced this and was able to resolve it. Thank you again.