ahhhhhhhh :-) i feel good today

Level 10
Pittsburgh, PA

ahhhhhhhh :-) i feel good today

my fave kind of inq...lol

i'm getting better at this...the bnz's help






like nikey: just do it
14 Replies 14
Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil





Copying this to my saved messages... ;o)




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@Ricardo85 wrote:





Copying this to my saved messages... ;o)




@Ricardo85  i'm ALL about templates and help links.  of course i will NEVER EVER consider this yoyo further, but at least i'm kind and respectful and helpful!  even when i want to bash him lol

like nikey: just do it


here's the actual text so you don't have to try to type it all yourself

Maxim2:39 AM
You have reported this message.

Hi Maxim

Thanks for the inquiry. We discuss questions here. The ABB algorithms detect trying to trick the messenger system with WA#. Its a ToS breach and you can get banned for doing it.

What questions would you like to discuss?
In fact, I've seen you account is incomplete and your profile is blank, once you've had a chance to update your profile properly, feel free to get back to me. This space is not available to non verified parties at this time.  I humbly recommend that you chose to refer to these help links before or rather than contacting CS who is inundated with critical and urgent problem related tasks right now.

Self Service help resources are the way to go on AirBnB for new users...everything you ever want or need to know or learn is complete with help articles

Its also really important to read the listing details.  MY highlighted pictures would have alerted you to all this early on--save you scads and scads of time and frustration!





like nikey: just do it
Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



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@Ricardo85  how is brasil making out during covid?  i used to love in miami so i have sooo many friends from south america living there and also in south florida.   heard you're getting hit as hard/harder than the US with not near the same resources as we have 😞

like nikey: just do it
Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



+100.000 and counting...


Jair Bolsonaro (our president) = Donald Trump....


Need to say more?


Well... take a look at this video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvK6Y_txWEE


All the best,



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i'm sorry, politics is so disgusting.  i have friends in rio and sao paulo.  be well and stay safe

like nikey: just do it
Level 10
Pittsburgh, PA

thank you for sharing that video made me really sad 😞

like nikey: just do it
Level 10
New York, NY

@Sammy35  Well done!


I answer the What's App messages much more rudely than you:  "That copy of Scamming for Dummies you're using is at least 20 years old.  Time to get rid of it."


I never hear back.  Makes me laugh every time.

@Ann72  you are truly my spirit animal.  or me in my raw state of fk off.  truly.  i want to blast people so badly.  but instead and especially so as to not be reported (i lost my patience, not even my temper ONLY once, got reported, and airbnb punished me and revoked ("paused") listings paused for a month).   thank god this is discretionary income for travel (back to nyc lol) for music dance and concerts that don't come here because people have bad music taste 

after that wrist slap, i vowed to never let another gd stranger control my behavior again.

plus its just really good practice for dealing with the real world full of @$$h0|3$ every time i curb my behavior i not only reward myself (new lipstick, more netflix and chill covid time lol, like we need anymore) but i truly give my adrenals and HPA axis along with my oversensitized oversensitive amygdala a true dahli llama (sp?? no fking clue) break lol.  i really have to work to stay calm, ABB is really good practice for me.  even though i miss going off on people in general, though NOT like karen, except for customer service call centers and my insurance company reps (aka health care concierges lmfao) that couldn't find their ways out of wet paper bags.

now i'll never be a buddhist.  i curse like a truckdriver and if provoked really badly am apt to busting out with karen behavior if i feel really affronted.  though i never throw things.  EVER.  BUT, i have to calm this reaction down to wish to pummel people who act like idiots.  stupidity and **bleep**ty unproper messages (i swear i'm a brit trapped in an american upbringing where american attitude eventually took over) is my biggest trigger.

i'm really not all that nice at all and actually enjoy being rude to dumb people sadly:  see my can i mute block annoying community members post lol.  that's the real deal me lol.  and it wasn't looked upon to kindredly, i got lost of shaming back on that...but i give zero fs lol

but i feel  you.  i used to live in nyc so i like the don't f w me fellas attitude joan crawford had a pepsico.  god i miss it there.  i feel banished off to no mans land being back to attend to aging parents.

please post every time you do it, i can live vicariously through you.  or send me a PM/DM here and there, i need it to deal with all these covid bobo stay requests (that are mostly solving themselves with pre covid pricing and no more same day requests too much ass busting to accommodate for nothing).  i whammied a few people that didn't show up and kept each dime.  now that felt good!

like nikey: just do it

today i did crickets.  no answer no response no nothing report and block



like nikey: just do it
Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



I read all of your house rules. Do you think your house rules keep potential guests away?

If a guest who does not have a verified profile requests a reservation before consulting you, do you cancel the reservation request?


This affects your metric for becoming a super host. How often do you cancel these reservations without prior consultation?




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i'm only a casual part time selective host
yes, i hope they (rules) do (scare people away) lol
guest read rules?
its a shame there would ever even need to be any rules
i have 60+ stays under my belt and i never read one rule, and never got one bad review.  i'm a no footprint guest

there's nothing to cancel because i have to approve every guest.  i would NEVER EVER use IB

i do not not approved ANY requests without ID verified.  ANY
that also includes active accurate contact phone and email that i verify before checkin.  if its not corrected checkin is not permitted  FOR EVERY PERSON ON THE RES (UNLESS they are kids which i've only agreed to host ONCE--i'm neither child friendly nor is my home)
i also require guest of guest to create an account and complete a profile so they can be attached to itin
if they don't, i send them referrals and wish them well including safe travels and good times

i honestly think superhost is a hoax and its something i honestly DGaF about.  search rankings are a different issue so i probably suffer there but i can live with that.  people who know how to find a gold nugget find me.

like nikey: just do it
Level 10
Pittsburgh, PA

ANYONE SEEING THIS?  this is new to me...i haven't seen these kinds of messages until the one above.  it sounded hokey (spammy/scammy) but since i thought this MIGHT be authentic, I gave the benefit of the doubt.  I've now seen 4 of these since the one above.

Does anyone think this might be happending to do email change hacking.  I recently changed my email and I'm wondering if perhaps THAT triggered these requests or if they are indeed incidental


Allen11:56 AM
Hi, how’s it going? My organization will send me to your city to our partners. I really liked your house, it seems really cozy. It will be very convenient for me. I’m already waiting for the trip, but I have a couple questions. Please message me in VVh * aaats а-рр, the numb, er’ is р lu š/s f our Т w оо - z ее r о, then goes see veñ, ś even, then there is ff our, fiiv е and ТН R ЕЕ, next goes f0ürttty-0nne, and ends with f- our and śi i-х. See you soon!
abb spam.JPG


like nikey: just do it