airbnb in West Hobart

Level 2
Hobart, Australia

airbnb in West Hobart

Hello I am Anna McDougall I have AirBNB house located in West Hobart I am wonder why I am no client for the last 4 month I wonder if I am still on listing in Airbnb.

Hope you have a wonderful Stay !!!!

Anna/ Malcolm McDougall
2 Replies 2
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi there @Anna12906, I can see that your listing is active! 😊

I just wanted to drop in and say that there has been lots of chat about it being a slow season in the CC, it inspired me to write a post about it here. 

There are many Hosts facing similar experiences about it being a quiet time. 

Here's a few threads where Hosts share their experiences and ideas on how to increase bookings.

Another couple of threads discuss how there has been no bookings yet and hosts share their advice herehere and here

I hope this helps! 



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 10
Santa Fe, NM



I searched your listing from Feb 19-Feb 22 using the Guest House filter and 2 guests. Your listing came up 15th out of 47 Guest Houses open on those dates. I did notice your price was significantly higher than your listing was significantly more higher priced than the other listings that were shown with the same open dates. You could try lowering the price a bit or running a promotional price for some of your open dates as a test to see if you get bookings.