I planned to work remotely for an extended period of time. After about a week at my first airbnb reservation i started getting bug bites. Throughout the next 10 days the bites grew quite numerous and a few days later I contacted my GP who diagnosed bed bugs. I've never experienced bed bugs before so initially I was shocked. My GP recommended searching my room for bed bugs. I awoke in the middle of that night and took a video of a bed bug on the bedding and photos of many other bed bug signs on the mattress/bedding. I immediately contacted the host, packed my belongings and left. Over the following days (at a hotel), the bed bug bites continued to emerge and I ended up with more than 150 red, inflamed, itching (and some infected) bed bug bites. Turns out I'm allergic to the analgesic the bed bugs excrete prior to biting. Since it took me about 2 weeks to piece everything together, should I expect a refund for the entire time I was at the bed bug infested lodging?