Since the guest has already submitted their review, they cannot change it if you submit your claim for damages in retaliation. The only thing they can do is ask Airbnb to remove their 5star review (if it truly was 5 stars), so there really is no risk to you of a retaliatory review.
I would go ahead and submit your claims for damages and/or addl cleaning required with proof (photos/video/receipts) if you want to do that (don't miss the deadline to do that 14days to file and 30days to submit any proof that Airbnb asks for). I would then write your honest review of the guest stay so future Hosts are warned. Do not put anything in your review that could cause it to be removed by Airbnb, as the guest will surely try to get Airbnb to do that.
"Unfortunately these guests broke some important house rules and additional cleaning was required after their stay."
I would give them a 3 or 4 for house rules and 4 for cleanliness, but that is up to you.