guests using others rooms without paying

guests using others rooms without paying

Hi guys,


I would like to get your advice on this.


We have an apartment with two bedrooms.

Airbnb gives you only the option to choose the amount of guests but not the amount of rooms that you want to book int he apartment.



We mention on our page on Airbnb that if the reservation is made for two people but they want to use the second room they need to pay USD 10 extra per night up on arrival for the second room.


We want the guests to have space and the best exprience.

upon arrival we tell them wich room is for them and we mentioned that the second room can exclusively be use for bagages storage if they are sleeping together. 


Today two guests checked out and i noticed that the second room was been used by one of them to sleep. sheets were dirty and the room it self too.


They left without paying.


How can we solve this problem now and in the future? 


should we just shut the door?


i appreciate your advice !!!! 


link to my Aribnb:



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



I did not see the listing in your profile, but then i noticed you are the co-host of the listing.

The appartment is offered as an "entire home". It means guest can have access to all spaces, so you can not close 1 bedroom (as the guest has booked the "entire home").


You need to create a second listing, offering a room in an appartment.

 Then you can lock the other bedroom (or offer it also in a third listing, so it can be booked seperately)


Do not forget to link the calenders then.