Hi Guys please help me to raise my booking numbers. It is ex...
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Hi Guys please help me to raise my booking numbers. It is extremely low. Please let me know what should I do and shouldn’t
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I was telling a workmate about our cottage and that its listed o Airbnb. He said "oh you mean Affairbnb? That's what people call it because they rent those now instead of hotels. " He went on to explain that he knew two people who were using Airbnb to hook up as they cheated on their partners, and told me to look out for the signs-- no signing the guest book or review, one arriving first and the other much later and leaving at a different time, etc.
When I shared this with my husband he said he wasn't surprised and mentioned a couple who had already stayed with us who he was sure doing this very thing.
So is this common? Have you noticed it in your own spaces?
@Helen427- you might want to re-read my post above because my last line states "it is their own business as to what brings them to rent from me."
@Helen427 Not one person in this thread has said that they care whether their guests are conducting an affair at their place or not., so I'm not sure who you think you're warning. Laura's post just seemed to me like curiosity.
Helen427.... I am not as naive as it may appear. I am reading your response and regret now my engagement on this subject. I could care less what two people do or say in the privacy of the space we offer them in our property listing. All I care about is the safety and security of the Guest, and that I am paid fairly for their stay, and that what they do is legal, non-drug related, and do not destroy anything in the time they share together.
@Helen427-I live in a country, where 35 years ago it was impossible for two individuals of a different gender to rent a hotel room together. Only married couples or family relatives. It was also impossible for locals to rent a hotel room in the same city, where they live.
I don't have precise information on how strictly the law has been applied, but "on paper" it remained in force until the late 1980s.
@Helen427 Yikes, who said anything about being voyeuristic? Of course, it’s none of my business if guests are “cheating” — falsifying their identity or engaging in criminal behavior is a much bigger concern. Guests can be as consensual as they like behind closed doors. I’ve found that a quality listing attracts great guests who take good care of the place, bottom line.
I'm mindful about this possibility when I write my ambiguous reviews about guests. I'll say something like "Bob's group took great care of the guest suite".
@Laura2592 @Dimitar27 @Pete69 @Randall8 @Susan1404 @Patti4 @Sarah977
I was plain & simple including you all in the conversation as you had all contributed.
I'm at a loss how anyone could twist my post to read something completely different to it's intended meaning.
@Helen427 "One must be careful what one says and assumes and does as could be in trouble for been perceived as a voyeur which is a Criminal offence."
That sounds like a warning to me, even if you you didn't intend it as such.
I think all of us who commented here, are all professional and experienced enough to not need coaching from anyone in the area of voyeurism. With what I see stated on a daily basis on FB that no one reacts to, I'm not worried about being misunderstood at all.
@Laura2592 Unfortunately it is. And I say unfortunately because I've had two bad experiences with locals who have rented, stayed 2 hours, were VERY loud about what they were doing in the basement apartment and left the place a mess with dirty condoms, wrappers, etc.
One of the best ways to prevent having locals, or people meeting up for 1-2 hour rendezvous is to have a 2 night minimum, but unfortunately for me, 70% of my bookings are one nighters. But the good news is 98% of my one nighters have been amazing! 🙂
@Kaylee18We have to have a two night minimum because we check between each visit/after the cleaners and live half an hour from our Airbnb. Its not cost effective for us to go every night to do that. So I am a little surprised that we have gotten anyone who wants to use the space for this. But live and learn! This thread has been eye opening.
I am learning that what I think may be something else entirely and it is none of my business as long as my rules and expectations are met. I recently hosted a couple I was sure was having an affair. The cabin has two bedrooms and after checkout it was quite evident he stayed in one and she in the other. My husband said MYOB!
We do have a two night minimum and live on the property. I also mention “group” in my reviews and.....only take guests with three five-star reviews and picture.
I don't make assumptions either, but I do mention both names in the review. Those who are cheating will be the ones to cop the flak from it, those not cheating will have nothing to worry about when they get home!
OK, that was a generalisation and there have been times when I didn't mention both names (not going to elaborate, but it was a valid reason).
As long as they pay and keep the place in good condition after they leave 😆