retaliatory reviews and the Airbnb team tells you that it's not possible to remove , so nothing has changed

Level 5
Sarasota, FL

retaliatory reviews and the Airbnb team tells you that it's not possible to remove , so nothing has changed

Have you ever experienced trying to contest a retaliatory review and the Airbnb team tells you that it's not possible?

It's frustrating to see that, despite the CEO's statement suggesting changes, the reality is quite different. When a host files a complaint against a guest and the guest responds with a negative review out of retaliation, it feels like there is no recourse. This situation is incredibly unfair for hosts, especially considering the hope that the CEO's statement would bring about improvements. Unfortunately, it seems that nothing has changed.

the statements made by CEO Bryan regarding the 10 new improvements for hosts. He specifically mentions that it is now easier to challenge unfair reviews. You can find CEO Bryan discussing in  this video called " The Airbnb 2022 Winter Release: 10 major upgrades for Hosts | Airbnb"  at the 2:28 minute mceo.jpg

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Fernando1561 


I just spent the last half hour reading several of the reviews for your listings.  It saddens me that many guests write many of the same feedback and that they are having similar experiences at your listings.  I recently gave a presentation which is all about reviews and one thing I think you may need to do is truly take the time to reflect on what your guests are saying in their feedback on their experiences.  You can learn from this and become a better host.  I see you have responded to some of these reviews which actually makes them stand out more and draws more attention to them and detracts from your positive reviews.  It is also important to be professional when responding to a guest's review, especially if it is a negative one.  When I search as a guest, I actually look to see how a host responds to reviews and the response can cause me to take a listing off my prospective list due to the response given for a minor issue.  When I read your negative reviews, I do not see anything that would cause any of these reviews to be remove if you fully understand Airbnb's policies.  I will leave you with three slides from my presentation and three relevant links.


The Anatomy of Reviews for Hosts - Google Slides.png


The Anatomy of Reviews for Hosts - Google Slides (1).png


The Anatomy of Reviews for Hosts - Google Slides (2).png


Airbnb’s Review Policy


Airbnb’s Content Policy


Writing Relevant and Unbiased Reviews





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

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21 Replies 21
Level 4
Brasilia, Brazil

Same here. It's stupid that Airbnb wants the guests to write something like "I am writing this review to get back at you because...", which will never happen, of course.

Level 2
Hendersonville, TN

I just had experience with a retaliatory review and was able to get it removed easily by a call to Airbnb Support. I had kept my full communication in the Airbnb app chat about damaged towels by the guest where they had cleaned up vomit and left the towels in a plastic bag in the sun for days to dry out and mildew. When I couldn't get them clean after two washings I turned in a request for reimbursement. The guest refused to pay but AirCover picked it up. I feared a negative review from the guest. It was indeed posted this morning. Luckily, it was only four stars but I had all 5-star reviews up until this point so I contacted Airbnb. Their quick action in my favor on this and the reimbursement request through AirCover shows me that Airbnb really does have my back as a host. I was about to go the route of other hosts I have been reading comments from who just gave everyone a 5-star review for everyone and absorbed the cost themselves. If I did that, I would have to raise my rates. And I realize it would not improve the Airbnb community-at-large because the guest would get away with irresponsible and damaging behavior.  I wanted to share my positive experience to encourage hosts to be honest in your reviews and don't hesitate to contact Airbnb Support if you need to. Maybe you will be surprised as I was. And maybe some of the comments we are all reading are from a previous era of support. I am a new host... and a new Superhost. So far I'm very pleased with Airbnb Support!!!

Thank you for sharing @Cheryl413


If you don't mind, could you share the review here.  I would like to see if there was anything in the review that warranted the removal as, many have been unsuccessful in getting a retaliatory review removed.  Sometimes it is also the"luck of the draw" on which agent takes your call.


Thank you


Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

The review has already been taken down and I did not screenshot it. The guest gave me four 4-stars and one 5-star (5 for Communication....with the chat thread in the app, they knew there was no way they could get away with anything less because my communication was overly polite and diplomatic and over-the-top thorough!).


I just explained to the agent the situation where I had brought the issue up to the guest in the chat before the 14-day review deadline and had requested reimbursement, which she denied. I told them that the guest had left a glowing review in my guest book, which further backed the retaliatory response theory. (I offered to send her a photocopy). The guest had left no negative comments to justify a 4-star rating. They said "It's a nice secluded spot." The support agent reviewed my chat history, along with the reimbursement request, and in about an hour sent me a message that they had taken the message down. She had assured me over the phone that as a host, I need to be honest in my review to benefit the Airbnb community and that any issues resulting from this could be brought to Airbnb support. 


I did wonder if I got an extra helpful agent. If I end up not getting the same kind of treatment in the future, I'm thinking it may be worth escalating the issue until I can get an agent who will take care of the hosts properly!

"You were lucky to find an agent who did their job well, but the point here is that you have 14 days to make a claim (Air Cover), which is the same time guests have to give you a review. Why is it the same time? Airbnb is doing that so that guests can leave you a bad review if you make a claim. They believe that with fewer claims, they will have more happy customers. I am 100% convinced that's the reason."

Level 10
California, United States


i am able to get a few bad reviews removed too under this policy. it works and it’s one of the best things airbnb developed in the past a few years.



It saddens me that the response you received did  not address your concern. Having been with Arbnb for several years. The frustrations and lack of support from Arbnb for hosting is truly shameful at best!!! The review arrangement is poorly structured period. Many host's are hosting as a second income and a majority provide a perfectly acceptable space. We have provided a AFFORDABLE,spotless, well supplied and comfortable home for years.

The tenants have also become more and more entitled by the year. July 4th  11;00 p.m the outside shower is  working. I want a plumber now!! Plumber arrives the following day. Our towels are last years style. We only have 12 forks not 18, the towels don't absorb properly. After two weeks we ran out of paper towels. The door handle won't turn. On and on. The reviews- not fully equipped, could not park the 3 4x4 trucks easily. 

Airbnb encourages this type of arrangement. ENCOURAGES IT!!! 

Other amazing sites have a very simple method. Clean, communication, as described and shown in photo. Basics 1.2.3.

Then they arrange that you cannot see a entitled tenants review????? Until you put yours in. Often glowing how wonderful they were. Despite they through our new living room rug outside, rummaged through all our personal items. Who want's to battle out in reviews what just happened??? Your score plummets your at the bottom. Seriously oh well says arbnb. 

You have a issue with a is passed on often for weeks and weeks through one after another the (support team). There is NO SUPPORT.  Not unlike the what you just experienced just now.