the very first question asked of the guest in the review is...

Level 10
Florence, Canada

the very first question asked of the guest in the review is...

Hello, fellow hosts!


Last week I was a guest for three nights. Not keen on travel right now, but I had to for work. 

It was interesting to see, though, what guests are asked these days.

So, first of all, the stay went very well. The host sent daily messages asking whether everything was okay, and I replied as soon as I could every day that, yes, everything was fine. Lots of thanking each other on both sides. The usual. 🙂


I opened the review link at the end of the stay. The first question was,


"Did you feel unsafe during this stay? We would like to know what happened."


Good lord. Shouldn't I have notified someone immediately if I had felt unsafe? Why would I leave it to the review? Do they want me to be that sort of guest? 

Anyway, the second question was all about whether the host was misleading or I had any issues.

Screenshots of both are below. I took them because I was appalled that the accent is on the negative. "Unsafe", "misleading" -- what's that all about? 


In my own case, I am waiting for a review from my own guest a week ago, a local who thought I should have notified her that she might hear rumbles of thunder in the distance during her stay. Oh goody. Now she can report that she felt unsafe because she didn't think to check her weather app.


I feel like this is a trap. I feel like there are enough traps with the reviews that we don't need another one. 

The rest of the questions were about whether the amenities were provided, etc., but I have seen those before. It was just the first two questions that were different from last time I was a guest. Just to be clear, this was not the "survey" at the end. This was the start of the review, before the stars, before the written portion.  Here are the screenshots:



Top Answer


Hi Lawrene - i just wanted to let you know i am actively looking into this. I agree with much of the sentiment expressed. As always we need to balance the welfare and concerns of both hosts and guests, but i believe essential information can be obtained without the negative inference. we will come back when we have news. Best, Catherine

View Top Answer in original post

195 Replies 195
Level 10
Orono, ME


This is interesting and they must be testing this in certain locations. I, too, just stayed as a guest last week. Here is the first questions I answered:


Screen Shot 2020-08-19 at 8.10.31 PM.png

@Emilia42  So they lifted up "Report unsafe behavior" and made it the focus.  I know they think they're on to something but they are really asking for trouble - from every direction.

Thats a good point @Ann72 , the max flooding potential of accumulating data based on loaded Statement like Questions to the CS Teams alone should be enough to not ask open ended highly subjective q's that are possibly destructive to peoples livelihoods.  They are guests not partners and Airbnb is a Booking Service, also not a partner.  They would do best to step back, take a breath and try to regain their foothold, we can't afford them to fall now after everything we've done to keep them and us viable.  Stay well, JR

[Off-topic content hidden in line with the Community Center Guidelines]

But:  bad Hosts and Bad host practices might get weeded out by STANDARDS.

Did Maggie's place have the "committed to the enhanced cleaning protocol" badge, @Emilia42 ?

Jenn's place did.

That might be it. 

Another good reason to clean like mad but not announce it on the listing.

@Lawrene0 , you may have just hit that rusty, unsafe nail on the head!

@Lawrene0 Yes, she had the enhanced cleaning badge as well. I think this is a "new feature" and that they are testing it or they haven't rolled it out to all places/reviews yet. I really hope they scrap it! It can be damaging for sure.


When I see "unsafe" I don't think "cleaning/sanitizing." Not all of us are living in the intense "can't leave your house unless you're in a hazmat suit" part of world. 

I agree @Emilia42 even though I am living in that part of the world.  When I see "Did you FEEL unsafe," I think more of physical threat than unseen threat.


If it is about cleaning and Covid (and I think @Lawrene0 is right that it is), it would be more accurate to talk about conditions than feelings.


Agreed. If Airbnb thinks that "Unsafe" now means there was no hand sanitizer, they need to rethink and reword their questions!


I wonder what would have happened if @Lawrene0 clicked the link. It probably would have brought her to a dropdown of options to choose before writing text. 

@Kath9 if/when you complete your review and you have this option please do some digging and report back!

@Emilia42, will do!


Anybody who volunteers for a crash test dummy badge will be subjected to crash tests.


Might as well stick a sign on your back saying "kick me".



@Lawrene0 @Emilia42 


When collecting data to illustrate the overall safety of worldwide Airbnb stays... Why is the review system so disparate between your two different review processes?


No holds barred data collection would have identical collection narratives. Identical.



Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Catherine-Powell  You are supposed to be the new head or hosting. Were you responsible for this? If not, what do you intend to do about a new review form which starts out leading the guest into negative comments about their stay? Airbnb might as well just post a big banner on their site saying "We Hate Hosts".

@Sarah977  I notice no responses from Admin yet on this.  Same as it eve rwas.


@Sarah977  I notice no responses from Admin yet on this.  Same as it eve rwas.


Same as it ever was - Once in a lifetime , by the band Talking Heads. 1980.

Nothing could be more appropriate for an Airbnb IPO and the same old, same old - it even has "living like a local" in the video! See if you notice.


Watch the video!

Search: Once in a lifetime - Talking Heads.


Best comment on YouTube and made me grin:

Knowing that this was choreographed by the lady who sang "hey mickey" makes it a thousand times better..



Taking @Ute42 's advice on informing about a joke...

[FUN] [GAME] [VIDEO] [SAYITASITIS][OutOfStepWithSociety][Coincidence]


And you may find yourself
Living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself
In another part of the world.....
Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
Into the blue again after the money's gone
And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
(chorus) @Robin4  will relate to this..
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
You may ask yourself
What is that beautiful house?
You may ask yourself
Where does that highway go to?
And you may ask yourself
Am I right? Am I wrong?
And you may say yourself
@Brian cheskey:
"My God! What have I done?"
And here the twister comes..
Here comes the twister!
Airbnb IPO.