What does "no smoking" mean???

Level 10
Coupeville, WA

What does "no smoking" mean???

So, I'm left wondering... when I listed my property and check "no smoking" - that meant to me, that there was to be no smoking, inside or out.  But as I read the forums, many interpret it to mean no smoking indoors only.  

I just had a guest chain smoke on the patio - and I feel he didn't follow the house rules.  But maybe I'm alone in this thinking?



Top Answer
Level 3
San Francisco, CA

My listing says "No smoking anywhere on the property" but in my house manual I specify Not in the hallway, not on the porch, not by the window. 

Some people willingly on unwillingly interpret "property" the way it suits them, so it's better to specify to avoid unnecessary confrontation. Our house layout is such that the porch is right below my windows so all that smoke and stench gets inside.

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76 Replies 76
Level 10
Melbourne Beach, FL

Some people have a difficult time with understanding simple words like No Smoking.


I once went outside to investigate the source of a very disgusting stench and caught a guest smoking a cigar.  I didn't see it at first, because he had tucked it behind his back while sitting in a rocker.  I could definately smell it, but I knew it couldn't possibly be coming from this wonderful guest. As I continued in my search for the stench I laughingly asked him if he was smoking, and he sheepishly pulled the cigar out and said "Well... yeah..."   I couldn't believe it.  In shock and disbelief I looked at him and said  "But David.... you KNOW Smoking is prohibited anywhere on the premises"  to which he angrily shot back "But I'm not on the Premises.  I'm on the Porch!"


It's in our house rules twice. It's in our welcome note, and on our business card.  We've changed the wording to help accommodate guests who don't understand the word premises.  Smoking is Prohibited anywhere on the Property.

@Mark26 Sometimes you have to be flexible with people smoking outside.  I allow it outside on the porch and it is in my listing rules. I never had a guest smoke inside I have smoke and gas detection units.  

Level 10
Melbourne Beach, FL

No Bruce, I don't need to be flexible.  No Smoking means No Smoking!

@Mark26 whatever 

I would make it clear in the description of your property that there is no smoking anywhere on your property and perhaps put up some no smoking signs.  I allow smoking only in one place outside on my porch or in the driveway, but I let people know where they can smoke.

@Mark0 I agree with you completely!  

@Mark0- I agree with you completely!

Iam a possible guest. My husband's recently had a heart pump installed by Mayo as a destination device run on a belt of batteries. The Doctors say he's been receiving third hand smoke, which caused him to be disqualified to get a heart transplant. Tracking the smoke was easy. We are nonsmokers. The apt we live in is a non smoking building. The smokers before a change of owners painted over walls of the previous smokers.  Legal marijuana smokes below us. What you don't know will kill you. 

We still request non smoking.

I agree, Mark26.  We have our No Smoking inside or anywhere on the property listed in our House Rules.  The House Rule also states they are not allowed to smoke in their vehicles if they are on the property.  


We added the last part when guests would go sit in their cars to smoke and throw the cigarette butts on our driveway or in the garden!  


We also state in the no-smoking policy that it includes all smoking items including marijuana; vapes, etc.  Pot is legal here, and though we don't have anything against someone using it, we don't want the smells on, or in, the property. 

Level 10

@Willow3 For me personally, smoking outside is fine. 

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


I would assume that no smoking means inside, and that it is allowed outside,,,. but I am from another planet 🙂

@Branka-and-Silvia0 I have to agree with you. Europe has a softer outlook on smokers.  In the states as a smoker I get harresed constantly I feel like I'm smoking crack. I need to go into dark ally's to have a cigarette.  

@Bruce43 I've been in USA and Canada 25 years ago when everything was different. Smoking was allowed on airports, in planes, in restaurants, clubs.. everywhere... 

I have a good friend in NY and he is inviting me to visit him but I have no wish to to go there any more bc I don't want to be harrassed and as you said hide in dark ally's .


Funny thing is that Americans are paranoid of cigarette smoke but exhaust gases from cars, trucks, buses etc ...are not bothering them at all. They don't realize that the moment they start their car engine and pull out of the driveway they just polluted the air more harmfully then I can with cigarettes in weeks 🙂

Due to the high rising number of damage second hand cigarette smoke causes this is why people can't be around smoke. I developed COPD and I never smoked cigarettes ever. My specialists believe that being exposed to second hand smoke caused me to develop this disease. I was more susceptible to it because of having severe asthma. So second hand tobacco smoke is much more dangerous. Not to mention I am allergic to it. Why should non smokers have to be subjected to another's bad habit? Especially with children being affected everyday from second hand smoke. It's affected my quality of life and to be honest just isn't fair. Has made my life hell and difficult to live any normal life.