New listing of a two bedroom, plus two pullout queen sleep sofas. So accommodates 8. It has been very hot in Florida, in the mid 90's. We had guests for 11 days who kept setting the thermostat at 68 or 67. At that temp, the unit could freeze and also runs 24/7, NEVER getting down to that temp based on the outside temperatures. They would leave for 15 hours, and have the air-conditioning running nonstop. Our electric bills will be through the roof, let alone the 24/7 wear on the unit. How can we handle this? We are ok with it being around 70-74 or higher, but it should not be more than 20 degrees lower than the outside temp. So if it's 96 outside, the thermostat should not be below 76 or the unit will lock up. If we lock it at a certain temp, our guests could be uncomfortable. Thanks