Charging clarification for using second bedroom

Level 1
Point Wells, New Zealand

Charging clarification for using second bedroom

I'm soon to start hosting an apartment on my property.  It has two bedrooms, one with a queen bed and the other with two single beds.  I'm only wanting to host two people as the living area is not that big and it's not suitable for children.  However, if a guest wants to use the second bedroom, say two friends coming to stay, or a parent and adult son/daughter and they require two bedrooms, 
how do I set up the system to add an extra fee for using the second bedroom as this will require additional linen and cleaning.



2 Replies 2
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Susan5669 You can't set it up to charge extra for the 2nd bedroom. You could create two listings and link the calendars to ensure you don't get double booked.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Susan5669, thank you very much for bringing this topic to our community 😊


Have you seen Mike's advice? Are you considering creating a second listing? Here is an article on how to list multiple rooms.


I hope you find this information useful. Please keep us updated on your final decision.



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