



Can anyone recommend a cleaning service for airbandb in Kendal Cumbria?

many thanks 

1 Best Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Kate2691,


I'm such a sausage. I forgot to add the link to your Local Host Club. 

There's one called Northwest England Airbnb Host Community 🙂


Hope this helps, 

Rebecca 🌟



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3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey there @Kate2691 👋


Did you manage to find a cleaner in Cumbria in the end? If not, have you looked at your Local Host Club for support? They'll have more localised support for you and hopefully some recommendations. 


Looking forward to hearing from you,

Rebecca 🌟



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Thank you for your reply Rebecca!  

I haven’t found a cleaner and have had trouble finding my local group for help.  

I’ll keep looking. 

best wishes Kate

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Kate2691,


I'm such a sausage. I forgot to add the link to your Local Host Club. 

There's one called Northwest England Airbnb Host Community 🙂


Hope this helps, 

Rebecca 🌟



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