Critique my listing Pete in Edinburgh, UK

Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Critique my listing Pete in Edinburgh, UK

New to Airbnb and not getting too many booking, wondering if there’s anything I can do to improve this.


5 Replies 5
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Pete12 welcome to hosting!


Firstly, I would suggest you think about the order and orientation of your photos. Of course, the first photo needs to be your 'money shot' as it will be the one that shows in the search results. However, the first five photos are also important as they will be the ones displayed on the landing page of the listing, before the guest decides whether or not to check out the others.


So, make sure all five are really strong and in landscape (horizontal) format so that they work with Airbnb's layout and don't get cropped weirdly. I would also recommend you show different areas or amenities in those first five images. At the moment, four of the five show the living area, albeit with the fourth one being the workstation.  I would definitely replace one of these with a photo of the bedroom (like the one showing the full bed, but retake this in landscape format) and one with the photo of the view (in landscape format). Although it's fine to have a few portrait (horizontal) photos other than the first five, these are best for detail shots. Rooms (and views) photograph better in landscape.


In the bedroom, swap around the small chest and lamp in the corner with the small table and plant by the bed. Guests will find this a more convenient set up.


Otherwise, the description is clear and the  listing looks clean and to have all the basic amenities. However, I think you could highlight some of these, both in your description and in your photos as you find that not all guests read the amenities list (I get questions all the time about whether I have this or that, even though it is clearly listed there).


For example, you could mention in your description that there is free parking and also the TV streaming services, as not all listings will have these. Include a photo of the washing machine. You mention you provide shampoo, soap etc. Get some in nice packaging and include these in photos of the bathroom. This will help to make things look less sparse and for guests to understand that you provide these things.


You have breakfast (and coffee) mentioned as an amenity and I see some breakfast cereals on the counter and milk in the fridge. Do you offer anything else for breakfast? If not, I think you might need to, as that's a bit basic when breakfast is listed. I offer tea, coffee, sugar, honey, breakfast cereals etc. but do not list breakfast as I think guests will expect a bit more.


Or, if you don't want to/can't offer more, then you don't have to, but take breakfast off the amenities list so that guests see what you do provide as a bonus. It's often a good tactic to underpromise and overdeliver, rather than the other way around. For example, at the last airbnb I stayed at, breakfast was not listed as provided, yet there was tea, coffee, sugar, milk, cereals, fruit, yoghurts, bread etc. This earned the host rave reviews.


RE pricing, I don't know enough about your area to comment really (perhaps some local hosts might be able to advise you on that), but it doesn't seem at all expensive to me, so I am guessing that's not your problem. Still, if you haven't done so already, check out what comparable listings in your area are charging. Don't rely on Airbnb's Smart Pricing as it usually prices far too low.


Your review so far are excellent. The only category letting you down is location. Do you have any idea why? I see you have described the distance to the sights and transport options and that it's a quiet neighbourhood. Is there something else about the location that could be putting guests off? If so, you should probably mention this somewhere in your listing so that there are no 'surprises'.


For example, I found that I got better location ratings once I specified that it was an urban, multi-cultural, multi-income neighbourhood. I found this necessary as many foreign visitors coming to London for the first time were expecting everyone to look like Hugh Grant and be sitting around having high tea at 4pm.


Hope that helps and good luck!

Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

@Huma0  Thank you very kindly for taking the time to write this in depth reply. It’s has been very helpful and will make the changes I outlined. 
I think maybe the area looks a bit dingy and the distance to the town being 3 miles. Had someone stay for an event near by and got 5 stars for location from them. Unfortunately the location is the thing I can’t change but will add the text to my listing that you put in yours about the area. 
many thanks you once again. Huge help! 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Pete12 you're very welcome.


Yes, the location thing is tricky. For some reason, I got lower ratings for it on one of my listings, even though all three rooms are in the same house! In fact, the room that got lower location ratings faces gardens and the other two face a busy road, so that makes no sense.


But, I did find that this improved a lot once I added that bit to the location description. Perhaps it has put off those who are pickier and want to stay somewhere 'posh' or that assume (and some nationalities do), that ethnic minorities = danger.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hello @Huma0 and @Helen3 ,


I have noticed on multiple threads you actively helping other hosts with their listing details. Really appreciate your contribution to the Community Center and other hosts.🙌 Thank you for always sharing such detailed critiques for our fellow members.


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Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Pete12 


I found the description of your listing a little confusing. You state that it's a two bed flat but then further on say one of the bedrooms is locked.


You would be better saying you are offering a one bedroom flat and that there is a private bedroom which is locked.


Start your description by talking about your area, what amenities there are, how easy it is and how long it takes to get into Edinburgh. How far is it from the sea. What sort of travellers your listing is more suitable for rather than your wifi speed. Tell me why I would want to stay in your listing and in your location. How far are you from the big attractions?


I would retake some of your photos as @Huma0  says. You need to show people where they can eat, what your kitchen, bathroom and bedroom are like rather than just lots of photos of the living space. And I would include a photo of the outside to inspire  confidence.


Write your listing with your target guest in mind.


In terms of bookings as you know we are in the middle of a major recession so demand will not be high and Edinburgh is quite an oversaturated market in terms of supply. You should be busy for key dates for Edinburgh like the Fringe Festival and Hogmanay. 


In terms of pricing look at what your competitors are charging for similar properties in your location.


Good luck.