I would like to ask you if you are doing your bed linen laun...
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I would like to ask you if you are doing your bed linen laundry or you are taking it to the professional laundry room? What a...
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Hey everyone,
Since I’ve recently made some candy, I learned that people first shop with their eyes. If a candy doesn’t look good, you’re probably not likely to want to try it. The same can be said for many other products, including your Airbnb listing.
We all have our own preferences and ideas of what we think looks good, and we incorporate this into our listings consciously or unconsciously. Sometimes we decide this based on our instinct, or perhaps on a set of rules that we know are proven to be successful. This same decision is there when choosing many different products for your listing, such as curtains, sheets, wallpapers, cookware, dinnerware, etc.
What is your approach when deciding on design? Do you stick to a certain colour palette, keep it all plain or incorporate patterns, or do you tend to follow your instinct more?
I know some of you are quite fond of design (looking at you @Ann72 😉), so I look forward to reading your replies!
Sybe, my main objective is to keep my listing engaging. I have learned that quality and 'up to date' is not a recipe for hosting success......it's how you let guests into your life.
On one side of the cottage bed I have a photo of my mum......
It was taken on the 26th February 1936 when she was 19 year old, two weeks before she and my dad married, and is one of only two adult photos that remain of her. Although not a vain woman, she thought she was unattractive and destroyed every adult photo that she found of herself. When I say 'unattractive' that is maybe not quite correct.....she thought she never took a good photo! I got this original photo from her sister after mum died in 2009.
A strange thing to hang in a rental space you might say Sybe.....but it is like you are inviting strangers into a personal part of your life, they all respond to it and make a comment on it!
As far as my colour palate is involved I do have colour themes for the bed.....warm colours of yellow and brown for the winter time, with blue, grey and green for the summer time.
I stay away from whites because no linens look truly white for long and nothing looks worse on a bed linen than grey/cream whites!
You are right Sybe, colours have a large influence on a guests perception but I bring out colours in my accessories.....
And the artwork on my walls.......
When guests walk through my door, they feel at home.....and that is the atmosphere I try to promote.
A great question @Sybe
When I purchased my home, the seller already used electric slide (yep that was the name of the color on the paint can) and baby blue on the walls in the finished basement. Surprising to me, I liked the colors, so I decided to decorate around the two. They are soothing. I got a color wheel and found that chocolate, navy blue and dark gray were complements so I kept that in mind. Funny thing, my upstairs personal space is totally different. Everything is white, cream, natural colors.
I am happy that I chose to get solidly built furniture because it looks good, it’s stable and I know it will last for years to come, without having that bulky look.
So far, my guests seem pleasantly surprised when they see my space in person. They immediately express how nice and cozy it looks. And of course, I grin from ear-to-ear.
The hardest part is to control myself on buying any more stuff or repurposing anything from upstairs. I love the uncluttered look of my basement and actually have to argue with myself in the store to not buy anything else. Seriously, I’m not kidding. I have decided, however, that I will splurge on an electric fireplace to go on the wall below the flatscreen TV and I’m debating whether to get a small TV for the bedroom area, but that’s it.
@Robin4 your place looks really nice. Kudos to you.
And @Sybe , I love the way you arranged your pillows. I will be copying that 😉
@Gwen386 The picture is not mine so I can't take all credit, but I agree it does look very good! 😜
@Sybe One of my favorite topics and never ending options of ideas, possibilities and choices. And since people are so very different the sky's the limit as they (haha) say. I'm so in love with color and discovered that for much of my life allowed others to decide everything would be grey or brown - and with that discovery I vowed no longer - color in walls, clothes, everywhere. So I do enjoy changing up, adding to, repurposing and exploring ideas for all of the above. Here's a couple shots of how I offer the cottage/guesthouse to our guests. Its much softer in color than I'd really pick - but, I'm not the guests. I like to add a mix of old/new/ and bring in a little of my life, like furniture (mission oak dresser and rocker/painting by my grandfather/treasures from trips around the world (esp. while on mission trips to Africa ). Lastly, I add just a touch of humor when I can.
How true Sybe, folks use their eyes first typically - I go with instincts in most everything. I change up things whenever I see other possibilities or more interesting idea/notion. I tend to paint outside the box - its much more fun. And I mix match colors/designs and everything. I had very little as a young girl so its very wonderful to have the option of adding to, changing up, at just the thought of it. We are indeed so fortunate. One thing, I do not enjoy everything all matched in color and design - guess, that's part of my great love for African clothes, colors and design. I adore stripes/flowers or other shapes all together. Yep, not everyone's taste but for sure mine. Just give me the standard 2 yards of colorful African, Thai, Mexican, South American, and many cultures fabric and stand back - a million possibilities suddenly begin to happen. Thanks for this post Sybe - energizing to me.
p.s. I also love the luxury and splendid design, with elegance and its clean lines like @Ann72 and I think upbringing often dictate how we navigate our lives and restrict/structure and create what we do, how we spend, etc.
@Huma0 Here's a couple pics....I'm having a problem with posting pics for some reason.....perhaps later. Best wishes to you, Clara
I think for me it's a mixture of plain and patterned. I absolutely love colour and prints and have a lot of them in my wardrobe, but sometimes I feel like wearing something more neutral. Of course, with interiors, you don't get to change them every day or even every season, which is why mot people are afraid of being daring with them.
This is the room in my house where I've probably been boldest with colour and pattern (so far anyway):
The 'tropical' wallpaper on the chimney breast might seem an odd choice given that the bed is upholstered in a toile de jouy (a very different kind of print), but it somehow seems to work. I think that's because it is a large room with high ceilings and there are enough white elements to stop it from being overwhelming.
Actually, the white bedlinen above belonged to the tenant who was living here when the photos were taken and now I use printed sets that coordinate with the room instead, so there's no shortage of pattern in this room!
In some other rooms, I have a softer colour palette, like the living room or my bedroom. There is still patten though. I actually can't imagine having a room in my own home without it!
We have a beach condo. It is small so we use light colors and only beach themed stuff hear and there. I don't like the look of to much stuff. 1. I feel it just makes a place looked to busy also it is harder to clean. I also use white bedding, sheets, and towels so guests know it is clean. I do have to replace those things more often, due to small discolorations. But to me there is nothing that says clean like white.
Living room, does have a mirror behind couch and rug on the floor now.