Do you have books for your guests?

Level 10
Vermont, United States

Do you have books for your guests?

Curious if other hosts have reading material/books for their guests, in my case I love reading books, and pictured below is the little library in  my guests cottage. several of my guests have mentioned how wonderful it was that they were able to read a book during their retreat.

I have found that having books are great for long and short term stay guests and also I have noticed they are read more frequently in rainy and snow filled days.

Share your book story and or picture of your library.



Top Answer
Level 10
Clearwater, KS

@Rubén16 This is my first time commenting in the community but have done lots of reading on the forum. My husband and I started hosting a room in our home in September 2018. I like seeing that others have books and games for their guests to read and play. Right outside our guest bedroom we have a bookshelf that guests are free to take and/or leave a book. However, in the family room we have a personal collection of books that guests are free to read while here. 


I am also a lover of board games, so have placed a shelf full of games out for people to enjoy while here.





“It’s not where you go, it’s who you meet along the way.” Wizard of Oz

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60 Replies 60
Level 2
Amarillo, TX

I have some children books. One short book about Amarillo and a Grimm Brother book of the compete collection. Most of my guests are just overnight.