How often do you replace pots and pans?

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Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

How often do you replace pots and pans?


Having the right tools and utensils in the kitchen can make our lives so much easier. Although, pots and pans appear to be a pretty basic requirement in the kitchen , they are super essential to cook delicious meals and delicacies 😉 .


There exists variety of cookware ranging from stainless steel, non-stick pans, cast-iron to ceramic cookware and so on. All of us may consider different factors to choose one that suits best our budget and cooking requirements. However, despite all the initial considerations while buying these , like all tools, they can eventually wear out and may need replacing. 

So, we'd love to hear from our Hosts what factors do you consider while buying these basic tools like pans and pots? Do you use stainless steel, non-stick pans, cast-iron to ceramic cookware? How often do you replace your pots and pans in the kitchen? 



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86 Replies 86
Level 2
Cardiff, United Kingdom

My pots and pans are never used, my guests tend to eat out. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

That's quite interesting @Alison1104 ! Since this is the case, do you often share a guidebook with your guests with restaurant recommendations or share your food places suggestions with them?  😋🥘



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Level 3
Saint Helena Island, SC

Whenever they become badly burned or scratched. I've had to replace pots and pans once in the 6 years.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Wow!! That's quite a few years @Donelle4 ! I'm really amazed and curious to know what tips you'd recommend to us, for improving or maintaining the shelf life of pots and pans 😍



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Level 3
Saint Helena Island, SC

I invested in a really good set of nonstick pans and I guess overall the majority of guests take good care of the pots and pans. I don't do anything special.   

Hola, yo llevo poco tiempo  menos de 6 meses y los compré nuevos especiales para el tipo de estufa que usamos que es Inducción , Adicional en los gaveteros de uso de la cocina les dejo los utensilios  como cucharas de madera y en silicon para q no los rayen y se conserven. Pero igual no deja de pasar que hay gente que los utiliza con tenedores y cuchillos que no son Y los han rayado.

con respecto a las toallas creo que deberían cambiarse cada año dependiendo del uso y del deterioro que tengan, sólo que si el huésped la daña la mancha se le genera un cobro adicional por los daños causados.  

[Translation added by Community Manager] 

Hello, I have been there for a short time, less than 6 months, and I bought new ones, especially for the type of stove we use, which is Induction. Additionally, in the drawers for use in the kitchen, I leave the utensils such as wooden and silicone spoons so that they do not scratched and preserved. But it still happens that there are people who use them with forks and knives that are not good and have scratched them.

Regarding the towels, I think they should be changed every year depending on the use and deterioration they have, only that if the guest damages the stain, an additional charge will be generated for the damage caused. 


Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Paola2220 , great point of adding utensils such as wooden and silicone spoons to ensure durability of the pans. From your comment, I am assuming you provide non-stick pans in your listing? Do you leave any special instructions for guests to only use wooden or silicone spoons while using pans/pots?



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Level 2
Providence, RI

I my Airbnb Journey on Nov 1st last year 2023 and my pots and pans were like new still last month. Currently hosting a long stay (30 days) and will replace them right after because it smells like they're cooking everyday.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Abel6019 , Thank you for sharing ! Looks like your guests prefer home-cooked meals as compared to frequently going out 😉 


Do you prefer ceramic cookware or prefer to go with non-stick ones? What is your preference for the next buy? 🍲



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Right now i have non-stick pans and will probably stick to that for a while.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

@Abel6019 , that's nice! We too prefer non-stick ones, plus we also have an extra ceramic pan😉  Is there a specific non-stick brand that you recommend to other Hosts which is durable as well as cost-effective? 



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I’ve been providing nonstick pots and pans for a few months. They’ve been used moderately and in good shape. I spent less than $200 so not too cheap but not the most expensive either. I expect with care they can last at least another couple of years.

Hi @Althea-And-Marcus0 , sounds a like a good strategy! Do you recommend any specific brands that could potentially be budget friendly and efficient?



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Level 2
Rosario, Argentina

generalmente no cocinan en el departamento.  Hay varios bares y restaurante muy cerca.  Todo lo que se ve usado lo cambio y trato de que todo parezca nuevo.  
Puse utensilios de madera y ollas antiadherente.   

[Translation added by Community Manager] 


They generally don't cook in the apartment. There are several bars and restaurants very close. I change everything that looks used and try to make everything look new.
I put wooden utensils and non-stick pots.