To update your Airbnb listing from indicating a shared WC to accurately reflecting a bathroom, follow these steps:
Log into your Airbnb account and navigate to the Listings section.
Select the listing you wish to edit.
Under the Listing editor, click on Your space.
Click on Photo tour, then select the room you want to edit.
Click on Privacy info and adjust the settings to accurately describe the bathroom's privacy level:
Private and attached: The bathroom is exclusively for the guest and accessed directly from their bedroom (e.g., an en-suite bathroom).
Dedicated: The bathroom is exclusively for the guest but accessed via a shared space, such as a hallway.
Shared: The bathroom is shared with other occupants, like the host or other guests.
After making the necessary changes, click Save, then Done.
Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for the updated bathroom privacy setting to reflect on your listing page or in search filters. citeturn0search1
If you encounter any difficulties or can't locate the specific section to modify the bathroom settings, consider reaching out to Airbnb Support for personalized assistance. citeturn0search0