Micro wedding

Level 1
Lancaster, NY

Micro wedding

I always see articles about having micro weddings at Airbnbs- we also get a ton of requests for this, but Airbnb caps the guest count to 16- how are people doing this without risking not being covered for damages etc. if it’s not aligned with the max 16 guest policy. Do you need a seperate insurance policy or something specific to hosting events? Located in NY. Thanks!


Top Answer
Level 10
New York, NY

@Julie5416  I guess you could accept a booking for the number of people staying there but make it a special offer that would include an additional fee for each wedding guest.  I would also require the organizer to obtain event insurance so both you and they are covered.


And if you’re getting a lot of requests, list on Peerspace, which specializes in this kind of booking.

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2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If you want to host weddings I would suggest you set up your own website and social media to promote this type of service @Julie5416 . You will need your own contract and to invest in marketing and advertising to promote the service. 


Airbnb is not a suitable platform to use for weddings or parties.


You would need to check in your location to see what sort of rules and regulations you may need to meet. You would need liability insurance at a minimum.

Level 10
New York, NY

@Julie5416  I guess you could accept a booking for the number of people staying there but make it a special offer that would include an additional fee for each wedding guest.  I would also require the organizer to obtain event insurance so both you and they are covered.


And if you’re getting a lot of requests, list on Peerspace, which specializes in this kind of booking.