Problem with my listings

Level 1
Dunlap, TN

Problem with my listings

An Airbnb guest signed up his mother for one of my listings. She pooped all over the place, other guests complained, the room is a mess, now Airbnb has blocked all my dates on the calendar and I am abandoned. Have not heard from the resolution team. I want the woman out of my house and have my calendar unblocked. Have no recourse, am a Superhost.

Top Answer
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Oh dear what a horrible situation.  @Heike226 


Why did you let the guest stay when you knew it was a third party booking? @Heike226 


Why have Airbnb blocked out dates on your calendar.


What did the son say when you raised these issues with him?


Presumably you spoke to the mother who is staying about her defecating in communal areas and the state of her room and things haven't improved (hopefully you followed this up in writing). Does the mother have health issues which are leading to this behaviour. 


Unfortunately because you accepted a third party booking Airbnb don't have to help you in this situation.


All you can do is tell Airbnb they need to cancel the booking as it is a third party booking and the person who arrived is not keeping communal areas clean and is upsetting other guests. Once they cancel ask the son to come and collect her.

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6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Oh dear what a horrible situation.  @Heike226 


Why did you let the guest stay when you knew it was a third party booking? @Heike226 


Why have Airbnb blocked out dates on your calendar.


What did the son say when you raised these issues with him?


Presumably you spoke to the mother who is staying about her defecating in communal areas and the state of her room and things haven't improved (hopefully you followed this up in writing). Does the mother have health issues which are leading to this behaviour. 


Unfortunately because you accepted a third party booking Airbnb don't have to help you in this situation.


All you can do is tell Airbnb they need to cancel the booking as it is a third party booking and the person who arrived is not keeping communal areas clean and is upsetting other guests. Once they cancel ask the son to come and collect her.

Thank you @Helen3 . I  am beginning to realize that accepting her was a big mistake. I guess we live and learn. I did take pictures, we could move on accept Airbnb has my calendars blocked.

No answer from son although he came to meet us last week before the incident. Just want Airbnb to unblock my listings. 

The son has not replied to any of my messages and I have no clue why my calendars are blocked

we have talked to Airbnb ambassadors many times in the last week and have had no response as to what to do or why calendar blocked

I would cancel her reservation and ask to leave the home, call the family member and give them up to certain time to get their mother otherwise she will be taken to a hospital. Get a professional cleaning service to clean and remove odor and sanitize. I would unlist it until you get it under control and then have Airbnb ambassador to escalate your request to have the calendar reopen.