Very high speed internet selection criteria

Level 2
Rennes, France

Very high speed internet selection criteria

Would it be possible to add a selection criteria for very high speed or fibre optic internet connection access for guests who need to work comfortably during their stay?

9 Replies 9
Level 10
New York, NY

@Susan3860  You can request this by following this link and giving product feedback:


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Susan3860 What do you classify as very high speed? Think its too hard to do this alone persons high speed is another's tortoise.

Hosts can now add their internet speed to the list of amenities but I don't think its searchable yet

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I have 70/80MB which I think it quite fast. My next door neighbours have 500MB. Does that make me a slow-coach?




Yes it does. I have a fibre cable inhouse for 2 weeks and now I have 250 M/bits in download. Not on paper, but in reality. Wow, that is fast. And my place is at the end of the world, where foxes and rabbits say good night to each other, as we say in Germany.


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I love a number of German sayings, @Ute42, and that one is very cute. I was actually born there (Hanover) but left too early to even get a grasp of what is a wonderfully bright and ofter humorous language.   

I've got 18 mbps download and 3.7 upload, @Ute42 , which is from a new ISP that is giving us double what we had in January. My foxes still cannot say goodnight to my rabbits without a wait time... 😉

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Gordon0 Compared to our 50Mbps you are an 800m runner to us marathon runners. For some reason @Ute42 seems to want to win the 100metres.

Do people really need gigabit speeds (which amazingly we could have)?




In reality, 1 or 2 guests will perfectly get along with 70 Mbits/sec. But I have a house that sleeps 10 and it is not unusual that guests connect 10 to 20 devices to the wifi router. Then You need such speeds. And You need a high quality router.

Also, this fibre connection is extremely stable. Daytime, nighttime, weekdays, weekends, it doesn't vary. High speed is always there. I can only recommend it.



I think "very high speed" is subjective and will also depend on how many people and how many devices are logged on at once. 


My current wifi shows up/download speeds of 45~55mbps ( I subscribe to the basic package because for this home it's just me).  Under 5 devices in total up to 2~3 people, this would be perfectly fine. In reality it's just me w/ laptop and cellphone so no problems whatsoever. But, if this same wifi was shared among 6~8 people stuck at home, with a bunch of people doing skype meetings or playing online rpgs, plus everyone's cellphones and a few ipads for movie streaming services added to the mix, I think there'd be complaints about wifi speeds.