Hi everybody ,
The question of smoking or vaping in a rental...
Hi everybody ,
The question of smoking or vaping in a rental is a sensitive topic for many hosts.
On one hand, allowing it ...
Hello everyone,
Deciding what to leave for your travellers is quite an art. Apart from things like toilet paper, sheets (if you offer them), soap, salt, tea/coffee, and other such products that I've seen you mention on CC, I don't think I've seen anyone discuss what they leave on the bedside table.
Do you leave certain things for your travellers in the bedside table? If so, what do you leave for them?
Tell us all about it below! 😊
Have a great day,
Not much, to be honest!
All bedside tables have a lamp and coasters. I also put a carafe of water and drinking glasses in each bedroom. In two of the rooms, this is on the bedside table, but one room has a rather small bedside table, so those items go on another surface.
There are other places in the room where guests will find reading materials, e.g. bookshelves, magazines (travel magazines or magazines in the guest's language if I have them) and leaflets and maps.
I think it's better not to clutter up the bedside table as guests will have items that they want to place on their, e.g. their phone or a book that they brought with them, earplugs, earphones, reading glasses, jewellery they take off at night, whatever. It's important to leave them space for these items.
Nice one @Huma0! I always left 2 small bottles of water, and some local leaflets of sightseeing hotspots 😃.
Thanks for sharing @Ruth413! I tend not to leave too many items on the bedside table either.
Oooh, good question, @Quincy. My bedside table holds a small lamp, a tiny battery-powered alarm clock, a small jewelry dish, and 2 foil-wrapped chocolates. In one of my listings, I prop up an illustrated children's book called "Welcome to Maine." Whether there are kids staying or not, it's a cute nighttime read.
Do you find that guests use the alarm clock? I have one in one of my bedroom, but I don't think anyone uses it and sometimes people take the battery out! I think these days more people use their phones as an alarm (including me. I got rid of the alarm clock in my bedroom) but I suppose it's good to give them the option.
@Huma0 Only a few guests do but I always have to check it to make sure that it isn't still set. It is very small and more so visibly appealing in breaking up the empty space (I think so at least.) I use my cell phone as well, but when I was furnishing the space, it dawned on me that there was not a single clock in the whole place, and I felt I needed to provide something.
Yes, I get it. The alarm clock I have in one of the rooms is really there for decoration as it's quite pretty.
I assumed they would use their phone, then my parents stayed and said that there was no clock in the room. I recently bought a small (cheap) one and the first guest after that used it.
@Emilia42 @Nikki39 that's so funny, when my husband's parents stayed at our place, they bought a wall clock as a "gift," shocked to find "there are no clocks in there house! (The microwave, oven & TV all display the time, but there was no dedicated clock) The next time they stayed, they were confused because the wall clock hadn't been adjusted for daylight savings time (that curious policy in some American states to shift the "time" by an hour depending on the season, due to which, old-timey analog clocks need to be manually adjusted in order to show the accurate time). They were an hour late to everything that trip. 😅
Since we didn't know it was there and no one else used it, no one had adjusted it. Not sure how I feel about having another thing to maintain in the house...
I have to change my cooker and microwave clock manually and tbh forgot this spring about the one in the Airbnb room - I better check it!
A power strip with a universal charging station.