Hello! My husband and I are new hosts. We have a hot tub and...
Hello! My husband and I are new hosts. We have a hot tub and above ground pool that we are giving full access to guests. Does...
My sister and I have been hosting for about 2 years now. Our biggest headache is getting good quality white bedsheets, pillow cases, comforter covers, bed protectors, towels and bath mats. It has been a big learning experience for us. We started using colors then realize that it’s not easy to remove stains. So, now we want to stay with whites. Unfortunately, whites are not easy to buy at the store. And, they do not look good after a few wash due low quality materials. I was told whites are not a preferred choice for homes.
I have been asking housekeeping staffs at various hotels. They recommend high quality cotton with 300 or more threads and avoid non-cotton. They also recommend adding a cup of bicarbonate of soda to the wash.
I do business in China. I came across linen factories that make bedsheets, towel, etc. for hotels. What we need is someone who can supply premium hotel quality products in small quantity to AirBnB hosts at factory prices. I am thinking of spending some time convincing a factory to cater for us (AirBnB host) with an easy way to order online.
Actually, if indeed we are using top quality bedsheets and towels, it may be a selling point for us to include it in our AirBnB listing. Since we all are hosting for AirBnB, we should be able to use the AirBnB logo with the word Premium in the product. Am I wasting my time here?
Let me know if you have better way to deal with bedsheets and towels.
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We do use pastel coloured sheets because I do feel they look better for longer. Never heavy or outrageous colours, just subtle.
All my 4 linen sets are 1,000 and 1,900 thread count because they do have a very much smoother feel and this enables me to have them Scotchguarded prior to use which, although makes them just slightly starchier, this is offset by the silky smoothness of them.
Kevin our bed is the hero of the listing, it cost a lot of money, is 8 ft long (had another 10 inches built into it) it is electric and has massage motors built into it. It is a real one off, and I wanted linens and pillows and accessories that would do the bed justice. Without fail every guest comments on how good the bed is and many of the reviews say it is the best bed the guest has slept on.
Kevin I would recommend the highest thread count you can get. They do not have to be expensive! We have a large habedashery chain here called 'Spotlight' and great quality linens can be bought there for less than $100 per set. You have to remember there could be that guest around the corner who will ruin your freshly purchased linens. I am sure you would have similar chains in the US.
Stain treatment however is a must! We have had all the regular things like wine, blood, make-up to contend with, but the stain treatment makes short work of getting out even serious stains without having to resort to bleach which does make sheets look very used in a short amount of time. Just a quick rub with Sards wonder stain spray and into the wash and they come out perfect!
The other thing to consider is 'wear and tear'! Don't expect these linens to look at their sparkling best after 80 washes....they do deteriorate and we see posts from hosts that are all up in arms saying they have not had a problem in two years of hosting and someone just poured a glass of red wine on the sheets and now there ruined how do they get the guest to pay! If you have got two years from a set of linens that is more than enough life, just replace them and realise that there is a useful life to everything....it's not always the guests fault
So, in short, don't botherrt going to China......best quality you can buy, coloured, and stain guard....and Kevin you won't look back!
I think it's better to provide or have an extra reserve for your guest in the event of any mishap. Offering an extra set of towels and sheets will only benefit you, and make your guest happy 🙂
Thank you all guys.
As a new comer I enjoy your assistance
@Rami0.......Rami, there is no hard and fast rule and Airbnb do not have any guidelines to go by but, every host will have a different idea of what is appropriate....and that is not to say that any of us are right or wrong.
I think the way you should approach this is to look at it from the point of view of the guest. If you were the guest, how often would you like your bedding and towels to be replaced!
I offer guests a complete cottage makeover every four days! If they are there for four nights, they sleep on the same linens and use the same towels, just as they would for one or two nights.
After the fourth day I ask them if I can refresh the cottage and I go from top to bottom...I steam mop the polished concrete floor, vacumm the rugs, supply clean sheets, towels and attend to the consumables and essentially return the cottage to the condition in which they entered it.
I only got marked down once for cleanliness, and that was by a dogedly christian family who gave me four stars for everything including 'value' and 'location'.
Ironically they took a couple of books from my library when they left....I guess being of the christian faith they were aware of that expression..."The Lord helps those who help themselves"...so they thought they should take God at his word!!!
Hi Rob,
What a detailed reply!
Couldn't expect for more
Many thanks
I leave extra towels and sheets in the closet. I did not have any guest abusing them. However, I screen the guest carefully. If I am not sure for short stay I remove them.
For a long stay, I gave a discount because of I save on cleaning. I never have a guest ask me to replace their sheets during their stay. I think it's the concern with their personal things in the house. They know we outsource the cleaning so they do not want our cleaners in the house with their personal things all over the apartment. I would charge them extra for cleaning if requested.
in New Zealand i use www.vendella.co.nz - wide range and quite helpful!
it's all product found in Hotels which is an advantage from a quality perspective 🙂
love - AJ
See vrsupplies - also in USA now great easy to shop small pack, commercial hotel grade. good prices
Thread counts are important to check before buy bed sheets and GSM (Grams per square meter) to be checked before buying towels. HY Supplies Inc is the best towels supplier in the USA, they are thriving in supplying different types of towels, bedsheets, and mattresses at premium quality
Visit them to explore more !!
You never know when a bedding disaster is going to occur so, over the past few years when ever I see an outstanding bed linen bargain locally I buy it. The end result of that is, I currently have 10 sets of guests linens, 3 sets that have not been opened to this point.
I have them from 1800 thread count cotton sateen down to 250 thread count poly-cotton, and of all the sets I have, I find the Home Co 250 thread count poly-cottons to be the best made and the most durable!
Sure they are not as thick as the more expensive options but they wear well, they wash beautifully and need minimal ironing.....particularly the pillow slips, and guests have absolutely no complaints with them!
It's not about saving money Melvin, it's just that I would rather handle the cheapest linens I have than the most expensive ones!
And for that reason I tend to bypass the higher thread count linens each time I do a turn-around!
@Robin4 Well Robin. If you want more durable sheets, try microfiber sheets, they are less breathable than cotton sheets. But it could withstand for several washes.
Hi Kevin,
We’ve been hosting for 5 months now, and swear by Brooklinen sheets and the duvet cover/insert. White seems to be the way to go. The guests know that it’s clean and they love it! Stains come out easily with a bit of Shout spray and some oxygen bleach in the washer. We use a steam iron once on the bed to get fine wrinkles out.
Here is a super helpful article on how to get out those Airbnb make up stains https://mammamode.com/stop-airbnb-guests-from-staining-your-towels-with-makeup-forever/
Andrea2500 thank you for this article. I run a couple of AirBnbs in a campground. I have lost about 60% of my towels and sheets this year due to staining and hard water. How important do you think it is to use white?
We own and operate a company that sells resort quality linens and towels. We of course work with those larger operations, but we've also set up an online wholesale ordering platform where anyone can sign up for a free account and access wholesale pricing, with price breaks built in for ordering higher quantities. We cover shipping all over the USA and Canada with minimum orders. www.towelsdirect.ca
About your specific question - we recommend white to most of our airbnb host clients because it is actually easier to stain treat a white product then a coloured one. That being said... we work with a few resorts in more remote areas that have water problems and they generally choose to use an "ecru" (natural) coloured sheet and towel. See the photo I've attached here as an example.
Kevin can I recommend white classic towels from Amazon they are low-lent great price and beautiful colors. And to recommend for laundry a little bit of spray and wash on stains. So easy and simple Good luck with your linens.