
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Airbnb 2022 Summer Release: What you need to know

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Airbnb 2022 Summer Release: What you need to know

Our 2022 Summer Release represents the biggest change to Airbnb in a decade. We’re introducing:


  • Airbnb Categories: A new way to search that makes it easy for guests to discover millions of homes they never knew existed

  • Split Stays: An innovative feature that pairs two listings when a guest searches for a longer stay

  • AirCover: The most comprehensive protection in travel, included for free with every stay


Get all the details on the Resource Center, and tell us: Will you be updating your listing for Airbnb Categories and Split Stays? How will you update it?

1,048 Replies 1,048
Level 5
Scottsdale, AZ

Why don't our carefully selected names for our properties show up?  Now it's a bland, "condo in.."  AND, you have put my condos in the wrong neighborhood.  My condos are in Old Town Scottsdale, a desirable area.  Now they say "condo in Arcadia."  There is a neighborhood called Arcadia, but it's not a tourist draw and my condos are NOT in Arcadia. 


I expect to have a HUGE DECREASE in interest and bookings for my condos.  Please fix immediately!

Level 5
Winston-Salem, NC

I do not like the calendar search function.  There needs to be an option to browse without dates.  As it is, by selecting flexible you must choose week, weekend,  or month & select a stay month.  I often have mid-week un-booked days.  Guests cannot find these using this search function. 

I do NOT like the calendar search with the new update.  I am not able to search without entering a date. It's  requiring you pick a day, Week, Month.  I want to search for a  house without entering any dates and it will not allow me to do this.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

@Anne44 @Joni118 You can browse both without dates and with specific dates. In both cases you have to already be on the category search, meaning you selected "I'm flexible" as location. To select dates, you can go to the top-right corner in the list view and click on the button on the left side (the name of the button changes depending on what you've selected, but in the picture below it's the one that says "May, Jun, Jul"): 



If you want to look for specific dates, you can select "Calendar" and select the dates you want to travel. To search without dates, you can stay on "I'm flexible" and select "Month", and then select all months at the bottom. 


I hope that makes sense! 😃




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Yes you can browse but look at the listings pulled up.  In one case I browsed Goodyear, Arizona.  A friends listing pulled up displaying available dates in November.  I know she has availability next week.  

I browsed my own town with no dates, looked at my own area on the map & 1/2 the listings didn’t display. 

There is a bug in the flexible search function 



No, it doesn't make sense. How would a guest know to do this? I've been a regular user of Airbnb for many years as a guest and host. Even with changes Airbnb has made to the user experience, I can usually navigate to the features I need to find.


I'm a regular user and I still can't figure it out even with your instructions. How do "the powers that be" at Airbnb think a new or infrequent user is going to figure it out??


How would someone know they have to pick a category first? Most people I know search by location first.


Search should not be this complicated.

@Suzanne302  I completely agree with you., this platform is way too complicated for 99% of guests


This will be an interesting summer...



You CANNOT browse all listings without dates.


You can only browse listings with availability for a full weekend, full week, or full month.

But it's super easy to book a treehouse. Thanks, Airbnb!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Even if they have the availability, it doesn't mean they show up.


This new search system is a hot mess.

Intuitive…..NOT!  WTH?

Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Helen744 well hello , I get it but I do not get it. Primarily the basic fact remains that no one gets anywhere if they do not choose a destination. Teepees or tree houses or flying fish are not destinations.I doubt very much if anyone at all travels following a series of wooden huts . there are categories of travellers , mostly who travel for a reason , no matter how esoteric and this reason is very rarely to do with types of homes except peripherally. They visit family or go for work or because they want to see a particular country or to go on garden tours or even great restaurant tour ,but most do not really want to stay home and look out the window ,no matter where they are.Destination must be first choice for travellers and the push to make them choose non destination travel seems whimsical and arbitrary .Even if you are going for a category of wealthy traveller who can go where they want when they want even these people want to know where they are going. first and foremost. Mayb also it has escaped your attention that when the US is moving into summer other countries are moving into winter . People who choose to go sking in Victoria Australia for instance  generally know where the snow falls but maybe need to know more rational things like,the weather report and if its snowing this weekend .Australia is a land stuck in the hazards of climate change so a little update in these categories now and again may be more relevant than if I can stay in an historic cabin with a kangaroo. H


Not sure I entirely agree, It's entirely possible your reasoning is based on what your listing is like, and likewise mine, so we have our own biases. I will often choose a type of home that i want to stay in - something unique to the region, something that adds a new experience to my travels. this is, IMHO, the main reason people choose ABB over hotels, because they get a real local experience instead of the same bland hotel room that exists everywhere. 

We opted not to put TVs in our places for a number of reasons - the walls are sandstone and i can't be sure they'll hold the weight, our wifi is crap and 3rdly why go away only to sit inside and watch tv?? well, turns out some people actually do like to do just that! for them getting away from their home and sitting on my cottage veranda looking at a field, or inside with the telly, is apparently enough of a holiday. (still not putting in TVs but we now have a cool projector device we loan people)

 in my experience of working for similar online companies like ABB, they have no thought for the southern hemisphere, i'm used to it, and it often can play in our favour. Personally i'm glad they rolled this out for USA summer, gives them some time to work out the kinks before our summer season hits. 😎 


@Gillian166 My only real point is that people must firstly choose a destination. You are of course as we all are free to choose a particular place to stay but to imagine that someone wants to choose the place before the destination makes zero sense. H


yes, tend to agree,  To assume that we are all single and free to go anywhere on a whim is a little bit tone deaf to the current economic/social status of the vast majority of us normies, or catering entirely to GenZ.  I like that he showed us how we might find locations we hadn't heard of before, but couldn't you always do that, by using the map for the search, which is how I search for places every single time.  I don't see how this helps me as a traveller in any way, apart from wasting time looking at cool and unique places around the world.