[Closed] 2024 Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Director Host Engagement

[Closed] 2024 Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Hi host community, 


My name is Christy Schrader, and I’m the Director of Community Engagement at Airbnb. I’m excited to welcome you to the 2024 Winter Release Q&A.


Airbnb announced upgrades today to help you host. It’ll be easier to find a co-host, earn money as a co-host, get valuable insights into your earnings, and communicate more efficiently with guests. We also announced a more personalized app for guests that includes new search features.


We look forward to hearing your feedback on the latest upgrades. Please share your questions in this thread by October 22. I’ll share answers to the top questions in a couple weeks.


Thank you for being such an important part of the Airbnb community.




Q&A Guidelines:

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  • Remain respectful in your interactions with other hosts and the Airbnb team. Let's ensure our communications remain meaningful and constructive. 
  • Keep your questions focused on the 2024 Winter Release and provide relevant feedback on the topic.
  • Use the comment section to ask questions related to the release and the like button to upvote a question that you would like to see addressed.
  • Be as clear as possible, describe what you want to know and why you think it’s relevant for our Host Community. 
  • All questions will be reviewed. We’ll prioritize the most relevant and popular questions..
  • Do not use this thread to escalate specific matters affecting your account. Please start a new thread if you need help with something specific to you.
  • We reserve the right to remove replies that do not follow the above guidelines.
  • We will do our best to ensure that critical concerns about the latest release are addressed.

 🇫🇷 Lisez ce message en français:

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Chers hôtes, 


Je suis Christy Schrader, directrice de l'engagement de la communauté d'Airbnb. J'ai hâte de vous accueillir pour notre séance de questions-réponses sur l'édition hiver 2024 Airbnb.


Aujourd'hui, Airbnb a annoncé des nouveautés qui vont simplifier vos activités. Trouver des co-hôtes, gagner de l'argent en tant que co-hôte, obtenir de précieuses informations sur vos revenus, ou encore communiquer plus efficacement avec les voyageurs... Tout cela va devenir bien plus facile. Nous avons également annoncé une application plus personnalisée pour les voyageurs, qui comprend de nouvelles fonctionnalités de recherche.


Nous attendons avec impatience vos commentaires sur ces dernières nouveautés. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos questions dans ce fil de discussion avant le 22 octobre. J'apporterai des réponses dans quelques semaines aux questions qui seront revenues le plus souvent.


Merci de jouer un rôle aussi important au sein de la communauté Airbnb.




👉 Veillez à suivre les consignes de la séance de questions-réponses ci-dessous :

  • Faites preuve de respect lors de vos interactions avec d'autres hôtes et l'équipe Airbnb. Les échanges doivent rester pertinents et constructifs. 
  • Vos questions doivent concerner les nouveautés de l'édition hiver 2024 Airbnb et contenir des remarques pertinentes à leur sujet.
  • Utilisez la section des commentaires pour poser des questions liées à la nouvelle édition et le bouton J'aime si vous voulez voter pour une question que vous souhaitez voir abordée.
  • Faites preuve de clarté, précisez ce que vous souhaitez savoir et en quoi votre question intéresse la communauté d'hôtes. 
  • Toutes les questions seront examinées. Nous donnerons la priorité aux questions les plus pertinentes et les plus populaires.
  • N'utilisez pas ce fil de discussion pour signaler des problèmes spécifiques affectant votre compte. Commencez un nouveau fil de discussion si vous avez besoin d'aide sur un sujet qui vous est propre.
  • Nous nous réservons le droit de supprimer les questions et commentaires qui ne respectent pas les consignes ci-dessus.
  • Nous ferons tout notre possible pour répondre aux préoccupations majeures concernant la dernière version. 

 🇮🇹 Leggi questa discussione in italiano:

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Un saluto a tutta la community di host! 


Mi chiamo Christy Schrader, lavoro come Director of Community Engagement per Airbnb. Sono felice di darvi il benvenuto alla sessione di domande e risposte sulla 2024 Winter Release.


Airbnb oggi ha annunciato delle novità che vi aiuteranno nell'attività di host. Ora vi risulterà più facile trovare un co-host, guadagnare svolgendo tale ruolo, ottenere informazioni preziose sui vostri guadagni e comunicare in modo più efficiente con gli ospiti. Abbiamo anche annunciato un'app più personalizzata per gli ospiti che include nuove funzionalità di ricerca.


Non vediamo l'ora di ricevere il vostro feedback sugli ultimi aggiornamenti. Vi invitiamo a porre le vostre domande in questa conversazione entro il 22 ottobre. Risponderò a quelle più comuni entro un paio di settimane.


Grazie di essere parte della nostra community. Siete il nostro fiore all'occhiello!


A presto,



👉 Assicuratevi di rispettare le linee guida sulla sessione di domande e risposte qui di seguito:

  • Adottate un comportamento rispettoso nelle interazioni con altri host e con il team di Airbnb. Impegniamoci affinché le nostre comunicazioni rimangano importanti e costruttive. 
  • Ponete solo domande relative alla 2024 Winter Release e fornite feedback pertinenti all'argomento.
  • Per farlo, usate la sezione dei commenti; se è già stata pubblicata una domanda di vostro interesse, comunicatecelo assegnandole un Mi piace.
  • Siate chiari il più possibile, descrivete cosa volete sapere e perché ritenete che sia rilevante per la community di host. 
  • Il nostro team esaminerà tutte le domande e darà priorità a quelle più pertinenti e popolari.
  • Non utilizzate questa conversazione per segnalare questioni che riguardano espressamente i vostri account. Iniziate una nuova conversazione se avete bisogno di aiuto per qualcosa di specifico per voi.
  • Ci riserviamo il diritto di rimuovere le risposte che non rispetteranno le linee guida di cui sopra.
  • Faremo del nostro meglio per assicurarci di rispondere a tutti i dubbi più importanti sull'ultima release. 

🇪🇸 🇲🇽 🇦🇷  🇨🇴 🇨🇱 🇵🇪 🇨🇺 Lee este hilo en Español:

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Hola, comunidad de anfitriones: 


Me llamo Christy Schrader y soy la directora de Community Engagement en Airbnb. Hemos organizado una ronda de preguntas y respuestas sobre el lanzamiento de invierno del 2024 y me encantaría que participaras.


Airbnb ha anunciado hoy algunas novedades para ayudarte a hospedar. Ahora, te resultará aún más sencillo ganar dinero como coanfitrión, encontrar uno, consultar información importante sobre tus ingresos y comunicarte de manera más eficiente con los huéspedes. También hemos presentado opciones más personalizadas para los huéspedes en la aplicación que incluyen nuevas funciones de búsqueda.


Nos encantaría saber lo que piensas sobre estos cambios. Puedes dejarnos las dudas que te surjan en este hilo antes del 22 de octubre. En dos semanas, responderé a las principales preguntas.


Gracias por ser una pieza esencial de la comunidad de Airbnb.


Un saludo,


Ten en cuenta estas pautas cuando vayas a formular tus preguntas: 

  • Trata con respeto al resto de anfitriones y al equipo de Airbnb. Utiliza un tono constructivo y habla sobre temas que sean relevantes. 
  • Céntrate en plantear las dudas que tengas sobre el lanzamiento de invierno del 2024 y en dar tu opinión al respecto.
  • Puedes utilizar la sección de comentarios para preguntar todo lo que quieras sobre las mejoras que hemos presentado y el botón Me gusta para votar las dudas que quieres que resolvamos.
  • Procura que tus comentarios sean claros, describe lo que quieres saber y explica por qué crees que es importante para nuestra comunidad de anfitriones. 
  • Revisaremos todas las preguntas y daremos prioridad a las más relevantes y populares.
  • No utilices este hilo para hablar de problemas relacionados con tu cuenta. Empieza uno nuevo si necesitas ayuda con alguna cuestión que solo te afecte a ti.
  • Nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar los comentarios que no se ajusten a estas pautas.
  • Haremos todo lo posible por resolver las dudas más importantes sobre el último lanzamiento.

🇧🇷 🇵🇹 Leia este tópico Portuguese: 

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Olá, comunidade de anfitriões, 


Meu nome é Christy Schrader e sou diretora de Engajamento da Comunidade no Airbnb. Estou muito feliz em receber você na sessão de perguntas e respostas sobre a edição de outubro de 2024.


Hoje, o Airbnb anunciou várias novidades para ajudar você a receber hóspedes. Será mais fácil encontrar um coanfitrião, ganhar dinheiro como coanfitrião, obter informações valiosas sobre seus ganhos e se comunicar de forma mais eficiente com os hóspedes. Também anunciamos um aplicativo mais personalizado para os hóspedes, que inclui novos recursos de busca.


Aguardamos seu feedback sobre as atualizações mais recentes. Compartilhe suas dúvidas nesta conversa até 22 de outubro. Compartilharei as respostas para as principais perguntas em algumas semanas.


Agradecemos a vocês por serem uma parte tão importante da comunidade do Airbnb.




👉 Siga estas orientações ao elaborar perguntas:


  • Mantenha o respeito nas suas interações com outros anfitriões e com a equipe do Airbnb. Use um tom construtivo e aborde temas relevantes. 
  • Concentre-se nas novidades da edição de outubro de 2024 e forneça feedback relevante sobre o assunto.
  • Use a seção de comentários para fazer perguntas relacionadas à Edição de maio e o botão de curtir para votar nas perguntas que você quer que respondamos.
  • Faça suas perguntas com clareza: descreva o que você quer saber e por que acha que a informação é relevante para a comunidade de anfitriões. 
  • Analisaremos todas as perguntas e priorizaremos as mais relevantes e populares.
  • Não use esta conversa para encaminhar assuntos específicos que afetam sua conta. Inicie um novo tópico se você precisar de ajuda com algo específico para você.
  • Nós nos reservamos o direito de remover conteúdo que não siga essas diretrizes.
  • Faremos o possível para esclarecer as dúvidas mais importantes sobre a versão mais recente.

🇩🇪 Lies diesen Beitrag auf Deutsch: 

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Hallo liebe Gastgeberinnen und Gastgeber, 


mein Name ist Christy Schrader. Ich bin Director of Community Engagement bei Airbnb. Ich freue mich sehr, euch angesichts des Winter-Updates 2024 Frage und Antwort stehen zu dürfen.


Airbnb hat einige Neuerungen angekündigt, die euch beim Gastgeben zusätzlich unterstützen sollen. Ab sofort ist es einfacher, Co‑Gastgeber:innen zu finden, euch selbst als Co‑Gastgeber:innen etwas dazuzuverdienen, wertvolle Einblicke in eure Einkünfte zu erhalten und effizienter mit euren Gästen zu kommunizieren. Außerdem haben wir die App für Gäste noch weiter personalisiert und neue Suchfunktionen eingeführt.


Wir freuen uns schon jetzt auf euer Feedback zu den neuesten Upgrades. Bitte teilt eure Fragen bis zum 22. Oktober in diesem Nachrichten-Thread. Ich werde in ein paar Wochen Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen geben.


Danke, dass ihr die Airbnb-Community zu dem macht, was sie ist.


Herzliche Grüße

eure Christy

👉 Bitte beachtet die folgenden Regeln für die Fragerunde:


  • Geht respektvoll mit anderen Gastgeber:innen und dem Airbnb-Team um. Bitte achtet darauf, dass die Kommunikation themenbezogen und konstruktiv bleibt. 
  • Konzentriert euch bei euren Fragen und eurem Feedback auf das Winter-Update 2024.
  • Ihr könnt eure Fragen zum Update im Kommentarbereich stellen und über den „Gefällt mir“-Button eure Stimme für eine Frage abgeben, zu der ihr euch eine Antwort wünscht.
  • Formuliert euer Anliegen so klar wie möglich, beschreibt genau, was ihr wissen möchtet und warum ihr glaubt, dass eure Frage für unsere Gastgeber:innen-Community relevant ist. 
  • Wir prüfen alle Fragen. Wir werden die relevantesten und beliebtesten Fragen priorisieren.
  • Bitte verwendet diesen Nachrichtenverlauf nicht, um Angelegenheiten anzusprechen, die sich auf euer Airbnb-Konto beziehen. Bitte erstellt einen neuen Nachrichtenverlauf, wenn ihr in einer bestimmten Angelegenheit Hilfe benötigt. 
  • Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Antworten zu entfernen, die gegen die oben angegebenen Richtlinien verstoßen.
  • Wir werden uns nach Kräften bemühen, auch kritische Anmerkungen zum Update zu berücksichtigen.

🇳🇱  Lees dit artikel in het Nederlands:

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Hoi allemaal, 


Mijn naam is Christy Schrader en ik ben de Director of Community Engagement bij Airbnb. Welkom bij de Q&A voor Airbnb 2024: nieuw deze winter.


Airbnb heeft vandaag verbeteringen aangekondigd speciaal voor hosts. Zo wordt het makkelijker om een co-host te vinden, geld te verdienen als co-host, inzicht te krijgen in je inkomsten en efficiënter te communiceren met gasten. Daarnaast hebben we een meer gepersonaliseerde app voor gasten aangekondigd met nieuwe zoekfuncties.


We zijn benieuwd wat je van de verbeteringen vindt. Heb je vragen, stel ze dan vóór 22 oktober onder dit bericht. Over een paar weken kom ik bij jullie terug met antwoorden op de belangrijkste vragen.


Bedankt voor je bijdrage aan de Airbnb-community. 


Hartelijke groet, 



 👉 Volg de onderstaande richtlijnen voor Q&A's:

  • Houd het netjes wanneer je contact hebt met andere hosts en het Airbnb-team. Het is wel zo prettig als alle communicatie zinvol en opbouwend is. 
  • Stel alleen vragen over Airbnb 2024: nieuw deze winter en geef relevante feedback over dit onderwerp.
  • In het opmerkingengedeelte kun je al je vragen kwijt en met de vind-ik-leuk-knop stem je op de vragen die je graag beantwoord wilt zien.
  • Formuleer je vraag zo duidelijk mogelijk. Verwoord wat je precies wilt weten en ook waarom je vraag volgens jou relevant is voor onze community van hosts. 
  • We lezen alle vragen. We geven prioriteit aan de meest relevante en populaire vragen.
  • Gebruik dit draadje niet voor vragen die specifiek over jouw account gaan. Daarvoor kun je een nieuw draadje openen.
  • Wij behouden ons het recht voor om reacties te verwijderen die niet aan de bovenstaande richtlijnen voldoen.
  • We gaan ons best doen om op al jullie kritische kanttekeningen over de nieuwe verbeteringen te reageren.


87 Replies 87

Hi @Chris-And-Monica0 , thanks for your feedback.


Airbnb encourages hosts to search the network and message several co-hosts in your area sharing this information about your property and what you're looking for and asking for them to send offers with their rates.


We've also published answers to the popular questions of the Winter Release 👉HERE👈. We’d be delighted if you’d take a look and let us know what you think!



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 2
Vila Velha, Brazil

Quando que nosso perfil aparece na rede de co-anfitrião ?


[Translated by Community Manager]

When does our profile appear on the co-host network?
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Olá @Leandro504, muito obrigado pela sua resposta! Você poderia compartilhar mais detalhes sobre a sua pergunta?


[Translated by Community Manager]


Hello, thank you so much for your reply! Would you be able to share more details regarding your answer?



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Volg de communityrichtlijnen

Level 4
Padua, Italy

Hi @Christy-Schrader ,


It would be great if co-hosts who are not the primary hosts could also qualify for Superhost status, especially since they often handle the majority of the work, if not all of it. I think recognizing their efforts in this way would be a positive step forward.


Best regards!



Host Advisory Board Alumni
Lecco, Italy

Dear @Christy-Schrader 

Nice to find you here!


Very happy for this release and especially the co host launch. A great opportunity for those who have been doing this for a long time and for the younger generation


Last night I attended with excitement the in person event in Milan to launch co host Italy with Andrea, Semere, Antonio, manager team, and many Italian co hosts


It is a project that needs to grow but there are the foundations for it to become a major program


My experience focuses specifically on helping owners become outstanding hosts.

My service is generally on a term basis, the time it takes for owners to acquire all the information and solid foundation to take the business forward


I would like owners to be able to evaluate the co hosts performance and this evaluation would fit into the co hosts profile as a curriculum to help choose the best local co host 

What do you think?


Thank you

a hug


Level 7
Long Beach, CA



Request for Co-host should pull PREFERRED NAME, not legal first name


Level 2
New York, NY

Hello everyone!


I’ve hosted many guests and co-hosted more than two units over the past four years.

My reviews average above 4.8, and both my husband and I are Superhosts. We tried to join the co-host program, but we were both put on a waitlist. I'm not sure what that means.

Does anyone know why there is a waitlist for the program?


Thank you!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Julia5108 , while there is no limit on how many co-hosts can be part of the network, in popular locations Airbnb may add co-hosts to a waitlist. If the application meets the Co-host requirements, the submission review and approval is automated, but a final manual check of the profile takes place before it is published.


I hope it helps!



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 10
Helena-West Helena, AR

I was actually hoping they'd offer of some sort of training sessions for long-distance hosts...give a reality check to those who think "it's a great way to make money because it will run by itself". Too many hosts who turn things over to too many assistants who have helpers and no one addresses anything. Very disappointing move imo.



Brian: you can't take the work out of hosting. It's a position of hospitality and serving. It's literally hands-on. What a sad post that you'd encourage more absentee hosting when there are so many already !

Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Cheri354 


I share your concerns and what you say rings true with me😊 As a hands on host too, I'm wondering if Airbnb is not trying to do away with our type of hosting , "old style"( some might say).  For me this is what sets Airbnb out from the rest and why they have had my loyalty for the last 4 years.


Plus the pressure to be on Instant Book and to offer self check-in is very real.  Airbnb don't have many filters for guests to pick from but those two are definitely up there.  I thought we were different from Booking.com offering that personal touch and sense of community?  


Are we a dying bread I wonder and soon to become extinct? 


My intention is not to get the backs up of all co-hosts , a lot of co-hosts do a fantastic job but this massive campaign gives the impression that this is the only way forward if you want to be successful.  Most of us are already in an over saturated market and I fear that this new campaign will make things even harder for hosts - old and new. 



Level 2
Columbia, SC

Hello everyone! How long does will take to get a Co-host place? It seems like there are very, very feel co-host people per city. Can we apply for other cities also? Thanks


Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Luiz1149 , Welcome to the community center! 

Co-hosts in the network are limited to providing hosting services within 100 kilometers (about 60 miles) of their location. You’re required to set your local service area when you join the network. I hope this information helps clarify!



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Top Contributor
São Paulo, Brazil

Olá @Christy-Schrader , 


1- Eu tenho algumas dúvidas com relação ao destaque "Cancelamento Gratuito " nos anúncios , na página de busca . Se trata somente de um destaque ou é mais um ponto  determinante  para que o anúncio apareça com prioridade? 


2-  Os membros do clube de anfitriões que participo no litoral de São Paulo , sugerem na ferramenta "Datas personalizadas" a possibilidade de selecionar uma  politica de cancelamento diferenciada também.

Se o Airbnb está focando no destaque " Cancelamento gratuito" não acha que introduzindo a sugestão acima, teríamos mais anúncios oferecendo cancelamento gratuito para o dia a dia ? 


Obrigada pela disponibilidade em responder perguntas !


[Translation added by OCM


Hello @Christy-Schrader,


  1. I have a few questions regarding the "Free Cancellation" label on listings in the search results. Is this just a highlighted feature, or does it play a significant role in giving the listing priority?

  2. Members of the host club I’m part of on the São Paulo coast have suggested adding an option in the "Custom Dates" tool to allow for a different cancellation policy selection as well.

If Airbnb is emphasizing "Free Cancellation," don't you think that implementing the suggestion above could lead to more listings offering free cancellation on a regular basis?


Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions!


Thanks for the update, Christy! Excited about the new features for co-hosting and the personalized app enhancements. Looking forward to seeing how these improvements can enhance our hosting experience. I’ll definitely share my questions!

Aloha @Christy-Schrader 


This is Nick and DeAnna Batchelor in Honolulu, Hawaii. Hope you are doing awesome.  We are excited too about the co-host network on Airbnb. We are almost 10 years now on Airbnb and have gained so much experience and love it. 


We filled out everything recently and was able to save and looks good but we see the location where you put your area or zip code doesn’t save and won’t complete it because of it. Can you help?


Not sure if it’s a tech issue. But wanted to be on board so please let us know what you can do. 



Nick and DeAnna Batchelor