We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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Hi host community,
My name is Christy Schrader, and I’m the Director of Community Engagement at Airbnb. I’m excited to welcome you to the 2024 Winter Release Q&A.
Airbnb announced upgrades today to help you host. It’ll be easier to find a co-host, earn money as a co-host, get valuable insights into your earnings, and communicate more efficiently with guests. We also announced a more personalized app for guests that includes new search features.
We look forward to hearing your feedback on the latest upgrades. Please share your questions in this thread by October 22. I’ll share answers to the top questions in a couple weeks.
Thank you for being such an important part of the Airbnb community.
👉 Q&A Guidelines:
🇫🇷 Lisez ce message en français:
Chers hôtes,
Je suis Christy Schrader, directrice de l'engagement de la communauté d'Airbnb. J'ai hâte de vous accueillir pour notre séance de questions-réponses sur l'édition hiver 2024 Airbnb.
Aujourd'hui, Airbnb a annoncé des nouveautés qui vont simplifier vos activités. Trouver des co-hôtes, gagner de l'argent en tant que co-hôte, obtenir de précieuses informations sur vos revenus, ou encore communiquer plus efficacement avec les voyageurs... Tout cela va devenir bien plus facile. Nous avons également annoncé une application plus personnalisée pour les voyageurs, qui comprend de nouvelles fonctionnalités de recherche.
Nous attendons avec impatience vos commentaires sur ces dernières nouveautés. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos questions dans ce fil de discussion avant le 22 octobre. J'apporterai des réponses dans quelques semaines aux questions qui seront revenues le plus souvent.
Merci de jouer un rôle aussi important au sein de la communauté Airbnb.
👉 Veillez à suivre les consignes de la séance de questions-réponses ci-dessous :
🇮🇹 Leggi questa discussione in italiano:
Un saluto a tutta la community di host!
Mi chiamo Christy Schrader, lavoro come Director of Community Engagement per Airbnb. Sono felice di darvi il benvenuto alla sessione di domande e risposte sulla 2024 Winter Release.
Airbnb oggi ha annunciato delle novità che vi aiuteranno nell'attività di host. Ora vi risulterà più facile trovare un co-host, guadagnare svolgendo tale ruolo, ottenere informazioni preziose sui vostri guadagni e comunicare in modo più efficiente con gli ospiti. Abbiamo anche annunciato un'app più personalizzata per gli ospiti che include nuove funzionalità di ricerca.
Non vediamo l'ora di ricevere il vostro feedback sugli ultimi aggiornamenti. Vi invitiamo a porre le vostre domande in questa conversazione entro il 22 ottobre. Risponderò a quelle più comuni entro un paio di settimane.
Grazie di essere parte della nostra community. Siete il nostro fiore all'occhiello!
A presto,
👉 Assicuratevi di rispettare le linee guida sulla sessione di domande e risposte qui di seguito:
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Hola, comunidad de anfitriones:
Me llamo Christy Schrader y soy la directora de Community Engagement en Airbnb. Hemos organizado una ronda de preguntas y respuestas sobre el lanzamiento de invierno del 2024 y me encantaría que participaras.
Airbnb ha anunciado hoy algunas novedades para ayudarte a hospedar. Ahora, te resultará aún más sencillo ganar dinero como coanfitrión, encontrar uno, consultar información importante sobre tus ingresos y comunicarte de manera más eficiente con los huéspedes. También hemos presentado opciones más personalizadas para los huéspedes en la aplicación que incluyen nuevas funciones de búsqueda.
Nos encantaría saber lo que piensas sobre estos cambios. Puedes dejarnos las dudas que te surjan en este hilo antes del 22 de octubre. En dos semanas, responderé a las principales preguntas.
Gracias por ser una pieza esencial de la comunidad de Airbnb.
Un saludo,
👉Ten en cuenta estas pautas cuando vayas a formular tus preguntas:
🇧🇷 🇵🇹 Leia este tópico Portuguese:
Olá, comunidade de anfitriões,
Meu nome é Christy Schrader e sou diretora de Engajamento da Comunidade no Airbnb. Estou muito feliz em receber você na sessão de perguntas e respostas sobre a edição de outubro de 2024.
Hoje, o Airbnb anunciou várias novidades para ajudar você a receber hóspedes. Será mais fácil encontrar um coanfitrião, ganhar dinheiro como coanfitrião, obter informações valiosas sobre seus ganhos e se comunicar de forma mais eficiente com os hóspedes. Também anunciamos um aplicativo mais personalizado para os hóspedes, que inclui novos recursos de busca.
Aguardamos seu feedback sobre as atualizações mais recentes. Compartilhe suas dúvidas nesta conversa até 22 de outubro. Compartilharei as respostas para as principais perguntas em algumas semanas.
Agradecemos a vocês por serem uma parte tão importante da comunidade do Airbnb.
👉 Siga estas orientações ao elaborar perguntas:
🇩🇪 Lies diesen Beitrag auf Deutsch:
Hallo liebe Gastgeberinnen und Gastgeber,
mein Name ist Christy Schrader. Ich bin Director of Community Engagement bei Airbnb. Ich freue mich sehr, euch angesichts des Winter-Updates 2024 Frage und Antwort stehen zu dürfen.
Airbnb hat einige Neuerungen angekündigt, die euch beim Gastgeben zusätzlich unterstützen sollen. Ab sofort ist es einfacher, Co‑Gastgeber:innen zu finden, euch selbst als Co‑Gastgeber:innen etwas dazuzuverdienen, wertvolle Einblicke in eure Einkünfte zu erhalten und effizienter mit euren Gästen zu kommunizieren. Außerdem haben wir die App für Gäste noch weiter personalisiert und neue Suchfunktionen eingeführt.
Wir freuen uns schon jetzt auf euer Feedback zu den neuesten Upgrades. Bitte teilt eure Fragen bis zum 22. Oktober in diesem Nachrichten-Thread. Ich werde in ein paar Wochen Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen geben.
Danke, dass ihr die Airbnb-Community zu dem macht, was sie ist.
Herzliche Grüße
eure Christy
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🇳🇱 Lees dit artikel in het Nederlands:
Hoi allemaal,
Mijn naam is Christy Schrader en ik ben de Director of Community Engagement bij Airbnb. Welkom bij de Q&A voor Airbnb 2024: nieuw deze winter.
Airbnb heeft vandaag verbeteringen aangekondigd speciaal voor hosts. Zo wordt het makkelijker om een co-host te vinden, geld te verdienen als co-host, inzicht te krijgen in je inkomsten en efficiënter te communiceren met gasten. Daarnaast hebben we een meer gepersonaliseerde app voor gasten aangekondigd met nieuwe zoekfuncties.
We zijn benieuwd wat je van de verbeteringen vindt. Heb je vragen, stel ze dan vóór 22 oktober onder dit bericht. Over een paar weken kom ik bij jullie terug met antwoorden op de belangrijkste vragen.
Bedankt voor je bijdrage aan de Airbnb-community.
Hartelijke groet,
👉 Volg de onderstaande richtlijnen voor Q&A's:
This could have been said in one sentence :).
I’m not entirely sure whether Co-Hosts should get the Superhost status or not. In many situations, co-hosts are not the property owners, meaning they still hold lower responsibilities compared to main hosts.
improving features for co host is something I have been hoping to see more in airbnb because in most cases, co-host do most of the heavy lifting.
since this feature of co-host network is not yet available worldwide, Can you at least add a feature where co-host worldwide can start getting reviews from guests and hosts so that when the time comes to open co-host network in other countries, strong and deserving co-host will already have strong profile to market themselves and all their hard work will not go to waste. This way, there is also strong and clear separation for experienced co-host and new co-host.
perhaps deserving co-host co host should have the ability to become super co host.
In my case, my co-host is a lot more deserving to wear the badge of a super co host. If I can transfer my badge to my co host, I will. 😊
Apology if this post sounds more like a feature request than question. 🫣
Hi Christy, I just reviewed the new releases and I have two questions:
1. I am not seeing the option to list more than one location for offering Co-host services. I have properties in multiple locations and would like to offer services to hosts in those areas, but I am able to list only one location. As it turns out, the location I listed is not accepting any more co-hosts. How can I change the location to see if any of the other locations are available? I don't see an option to edit that.
2. What is the reasoning behind offering the option to alter and unsend messages for 24h? Based on feedback I have seen in multiple STR groups, guest extorsion for refunds has become a widespread issue. I am fortunate that I have never experienced this, but I know people who have. Until now, hosts have been able to prove when that happens exactly because messages are not editable. As a host, I think this compromises the integrity of the conversation. Neither host nor a guest should be able to change or unsend messages. I literally cannot think of any circumstance when that would be warranted, except when one of the two parties doesn't want on record that they have abused, threatened or in any way intended harm to the other. Please, advise why this change is being implemented.
Thank you!
Anche il nostro pensiero è in sintonia con quanto esposto da @Annie1928 riguardo alla messaggistica.
[Translation added by Community Manager]
Our thoughts are also in tune with what @Annie1928 said about messaging.
Gabriella and Pietro, alias Pietrella
Ciao @Pietro44, ho risposto ad Annie, ma volevo risponderti riguardo alla tua domanda sui messaggi, facendoti sapere che il supporto di Airbnb è in grado di investigare e accedere alle correzioni precedenti in caso fosse necessario farlo. I messaggi possono essere modificati solo entro 15 minuti dal loro invio e richiamati entro le 24 ore. Se un messaggio è stato modificato o cancellato, verrà segnalato come tale.
[Translation added by Community Manager]
Hello Pietro, I have responded to Annie, but I just wanted to share with you that regarding your question about messages, that, Airbnb Support will be able to investigate and see past edits if an issue arises. Messages can only be edited within 15 minutes after they’re sent and unsent within 24 hours. A small notice will show if a message has been edited or deleted.
Hello @Annie1928, thank you so much for taking the time to share your questions here!
Co-hosts in the network are limited to providing hosting services within 100 kilometers (about 60 miles) of their location. You’re required to set your local service area when you join the network.
Regarding your question about messages, Airbnb Support will be able to investigate and see past edits if an issue arises. Messages can only be edited within 15 minutes after they’re sent and unsent within 24 hours. A small notice will show if a message has been edited or deleted.
I hope this helps!
HI Christy- I have a question about the co-host release and the algorithms for this. I understand it matches the one with the most experience however it doesn't seem to consider the most local co-host to that person or doesn't list that anyway. My question I guess is that why wouldn't it?
Hi @Tammy557 , thanks so much for sharing your question!
Powered by an algorithm, Airbnb uses over 80 factors to help hosts find the right co-host for them. That helps inform the order in which we present co-hosts in the network. The order might differ between hosts depending on their needs, location, and tenure. Learn more about how ranking works in this article 👉How Co-Host Network ranking works👈
We've also published answers to the popular questions of the Winter Release 👉HERE👈. We’d be delighted if you’d take a look and let us know what you think!
Hello @Christy-Schrader, and thank you for opening this thread aimed at collecting feedback on the Winter Release.
I hope my feedback doesn’t come across as too harsh or overly critical, but as a designer and a long-term host on Airbnb, I believe there are a few issues with the Co-Host Network that Airbnb is aiming to build. I fully understand that Airbnb wants to maximize control over the overall guests' satisfaction by utilizing metrics and criteria aimed at delivering an 'almost perfect guest experience'. However, this will always remain an unattainable goal as long as Airbnb stays a community-based platform, where hosts bear direct responsibility for what guests experience during their stay. Airbnb may excel at handling everything peripheral to 'providing the service' (support, payment, transparency, app UI, and so on...), but it will never have complete control over what a guest actually experiences once they are in our homes.
I believe it’s important to highlight this because the marketing for the new Co-Host Network seems to mislead both inexperienced hosts and guests. It presents co-hosts as if they have 'superpowers' in managing almost every aspect of hosting, despite the fact that, from my understanding, co-hosts can 'claim' what they’re capable of - most of which seems to be 'self-assessed.'
Let me break down a few points from the main landing page:
1. Create your listing.
This phrase is somewhat confusing, and perhaps I’ve misunderstood. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to say 'tailor' or 'craft' your listing? As far as I understand, you already need a listing to hire a co-host - right!?
However, what guarantees me that a potential co-host will be good enough to craft the listing the way I want or exceptionally as per Airbnb's standards? We don't have records whether the co-host took part or not in the previously managed listings (I guess).
2. Take listing photos.
Is this really accurate? There’s no evidence that the co-host metrics account for the quality of photos used in previous listings managed by the co-host, unless Airbnb is employing some AI that analyses these images and scores them. Without such a system, this claim feels misleading, as co-hosts are not necessarily experienced photographers.
3. Clean and maintain your place.
Once again, this is something Airbnb has no real track record of monitoring. We don’t know if co-hosts are generally responsible for cleaning and maintenance, as in many cases, cleaning services are outsourced, or the host handles it themselves. For example, I have 4.99/5 when it comes to cleanliness in approximately 400 reviews - however this doesn't imply that my co-host is good at cleaning since he has never cleaned the listing indeed!
4. Get hosting permits.
This point is particularly unclear. Airbnb lists “Get hosting permits” as something co-hosts can handle, but what does that even mean? Are hosting permits somehow meant to encapsulate all the other tasks described, like managing the listing, cleaning, and setting prices?
The biggest flaw of this program is that Airbnb is attempting to market something that’s inherently difficult to guarantee: performance. We all know that delivering a great experience on Airbnb depends on several factors that cannot be consistently replicated, such as:
Relying on past performance as a predictor of future success oversimplifies what goes into good or exceptional hosting, in my opinion. Additionally, the requirements to join the Co-Host Network are essentially the same as those for becoming a Superhost. Over the years, we’ve seen that these metrics, while easy to achieve, are not enough to guarantee a consistently great guest experience. This is why Airbnb experimented with the Plus program (which I was part of, now discontinued) and now uses badges or special callouts to better distinguish between bad, good, average, and exceptional listings.
I’ll try to give a few practical examples based on what I see in my area (Naples, Italy). Here, there are already approximately 15-20 co-hosts available, though not all of them offer to do 'everything,' which is fair. If someone doesn’t want to handle cleaning, it makes sense they wouldn’t make themselves available for that.
However, imagine these scenarios:
Scenario 1) Listing Setup Being Poor.
As a host who has a poorly setup listing, how do I know that? If I setted it up that way, perhaps I do think there's not much more to do. Are these hosts going to value and be able to understand they need to improve their listing? I have the feeling that a correctly setted up listing is valued more by the host already capable of doing so, rather than those unaware. This seems quite paradoxical. Airbnb should perhaps recognize listings in need for improvements and suggest them to hire a co-host. Additionally, even if I decide to go ahead and hire a co-host - how do I select those people? I read, for example:
Co-Host 1) Helped 2 new hosts.
Co-Host 2) Helped 1 new host.
How do I decide between them? Based on their profile picture? Again. There seem to be lacking of a clear metric here to let me correctly choose based on my preferences. What if the co-host is not nice, and I don't want to collaborate with them?
Scenario 2) Cleaning.
We all know differences in cultures and guest needs play a relevant role when it comes to cleaning scores. Leaving that aside, I do think - as previously mentioned - Airbnb should keep track or records of those co-hosts that have been responsible for their cleaning scores or not.
In my case, I see the following:
Co-Host 1) 4.85/5 rating for cleaning
Co-Host 2) 4.83/rating for cleaning
How do I decide between them? Is 0.02 really making a difference here? What guarantees me that the potential co-host will be able to clean my property?
There are a lot of metrics / missing information that should be accounted in this parameter from the previously managed listings, such as:
- Size of the listing.
- Number of beds / rooms.
Easier to clean a small flat with one bedroom versus a 4 bedrooms one, right? What if the co-host isn't capable of really helping me out given my unique listing conditions? And the list could go on forever...
Scenario 3) Managing Bookings.
The wording is quite misleading here, as I don’t fully understand what this refers to. If my understanding is correct, the metric Airbnb is trying to highlight brings up the dilemma of quality vs. quantity. It appears that this page showcases how many reservations a co-host has managed while co-hosting. Great! But what does this actually tell me? Unfortunately, not much. It doesn’t show crucial information, such as the number of managed listings, and only provides the number of reservations. It’s easy to have more 'stays from guests' if someone manages 10 listings compared to just 1. Additionally, quantity does not equal quality - and it’s surprising Airbnb isn’t more aware of this. Historically, hosts managing more listings tend to have lower scores. For example, I see:
Co-Host 1) Helped with 3563 stays
Co-Host 2) Helped with 448 stays
I might assume Co-Host 1 is more experienced, but Co-Host 1 has an overall score of 4.76/5, while Co-Host 2 has a score of 4.93/5. Again, quantity is not quality. So, how does this page help me in selecting my Co-Host?
Solution!? Naah. Too Complicated.
If Airbnb truly wanted to ensure consistency, it would need to take responsibility for delivering the on-site service itself, much like hotels do. This would undoubtedly involve higher costs for the platform (requiring employees), and such listings could be branded as 'Premium' to reflect this enhanced level of service.
Ciao @Christy-Schrader , grazie per essere così innovativi e desiderosi di migliorare sempre di più la piattaforma e la app.
Hello @Christy-Schrader
1) Great improvements on the transaction history clear and detailed information on what we have earned per month, Tax paid, commission paid, refunds and the accurate number of nights stayed per month which must be very useful for those hosts that cannot go above a certain limit as per their short term regulations.
2) Messages- difficult to comment as some of the features will only be available in November (those who have Early Access and 2025 for the others) but really like the idea of being able to modify a message that has been sent within a 15 minute time frame. I really hope that we will have the same features that we enjoy here on the CC message system added to our rather basic host message system ie. bold lettering, lists and especially important being able to add photos to our messages, quick replies and automated responses?
3) Co-host programme - in the last two years, Airbnb listings have doubled if not tripled in most areas so this co-host programme will incite even more hosts to join Airbnb so competition will get even tougher. So what I would like to know is whether Airbnb is going to offer guests far more filters to choose from so that they find a place that is a good fit - quickly and painlessly.
Currently, as a guest, you have 10 amenities and 11 features to chose from and that's it! As hosts we have a long list of amenities that we can tick for our listings and yet guests have next to nothing to choose from which makes for a long and time consuming experience for them. So what do they do? They go onto another booking platform where they are given a great list to choose from plus being able to select listings in a descending/ascending order in terms of reviews and much more!.
There have been a couple of hosts who have commented on the lack of filters for guests here and I would like to set a challenge to anyone to find a listing that offers a bath (@Deirdre122) great example and within minutes. Hope you're not in a hurry! This would make the guest experience so much better if they could tick this amenity.
Another example, outside space, balcony, terrace - no not part of the filters and yet a very important one for so many - families, guests with dogs and guests in general who want a bit more space. Again, a most time consuming search..
Why not open up the list of amenities/features to maximise guest experience on Airbnb? With so many listings to chose from, it's got to be a priority if we are going to survive with just Airbnb as our only platform. Many hosts are diversifying and from what I am reading, many hosts are saying that they are getting more bookings from Booking.com than Airbnb.
Thank your Christy for giving us a voice and look forward to your replies to our questions shortly,
Agree with this - most search amenities filter would be good - bath/garden space etc
Hello, I'm a host, but sometimes I'm a guest, too. The new release seems to improve in some ways the "filters", but there is not the possibility to filter by rating (if we think that rating counts...) and not even the possibility to sort by price. This results in the impossibility to have the control over the offer in the area/city, leaving to an "algorithm" the positioning of listings in the search results and, therefore, the possibility of the hosts to "move the right switches" to improve the visibility of their own listings.
Is there any possibility to have this in the future?
Thanks for your comment, @Alberto192. We've shared this suggestion with our teams for consideration!
Hello Christy,
I like the new Co-Host Finding page. I think this is a great idea instead of people reaching out to non-airbnb 3rd party sites.
On that same note, I think it would be good to have a page where Hosts are looking for Co-Hosts and they can talk about their property and what they are looking for then Co-Hosts can send their offers for what they would charge.
The reason for this suggestion is I think the prices that the Co-Hosts are setting, most starting from 25% are too high for my tight margins. But If they realized they would be getting a block of ten apartments they might consider going less. Also, I would only be reached out to by those who feel comfortable working hard and putting some big change in their pocket.