We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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Hi host community,
My name is Christy Schrader, and I’m the Director of Community Engagement at Airbnb. I’m excited to welcome you to the 2024 Winter Release Q&A.
Airbnb announced upgrades today to help you host. It’ll be easier to find a co-host, earn money as a co-host, get valuable insights into your earnings, and communicate more efficiently with guests. We also announced a more personalized app for guests that includes new search features.
We look forward to hearing your feedback on the latest upgrades. Please share your questions in this thread by October 22. I’ll share answers to the top questions in a couple weeks.
Thank you for being such an important part of the Airbnb community.
👉 Q&A Guidelines:
🇫🇷 Lisez ce message en français:
Chers hôtes,
Je suis Christy Schrader, directrice de l'engagement de la communauté d'Airbnb. J'ai hâte de vous accueillir pour notre séance de questions-réponses sur l'édition hiver 2024 Airbnb.
Aujourd'hui, Airbnb a annoncé des nouveautés qui vont simplifier vos activités. Trouver des co-hôtes, gagner de l'argent en tant que co-hôte, obtenir de précieuses informations sur vos revenus, ou encore communiquer plus efficacement avec les voyageurs... Tout cela va devenir bien plus facile. Nous avons également annoncé une application plus personnalisée pour les voyageurs, qui comprend de nouvelles fonctionnalités de recherche.
Nous attendons avec impatience vos commentaires sur ces dernières nouveautés. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos questions dans ce fil de discussion avant le 22 octobre. J'apporterai des réponses dans quelques semaines aux questions qui seront revenues le plus souvent.
Merci de jouer un rôle aussi important au sein de la communauté Airbnb.
👉 Veillez à suivre les consignes de la séance de questions-réponses ci-dessous :
🇮🇹 Leggi questa discussione in italiano:
Un saluto a tutta la community di host!
Mi chiamo Christy Schrader, lavoro come Director of Community Engagement per Airbnb. Sono felice di darvi il benvenuto alla sessione di domande e risposte sulla 2024 Winter Release.
Airbnb oggi ha annunciato delle novità che vi aiuteranno nell'attività di host. Ora vi risulterà più facile trovare un co-host, guadagnare svolgendo tale ruolo, ottenere informazioni preziose sui vostri guadagni e comunicare in modo più efficiente con gli ospiti. Abbiamo anche annunciato un'app più personalizzata per gli ospiti che include nuove funzionalità di ricerca.
Non vediamo l'ora di ricevere il vostro feedback sugli ultimi aggiornamenti. Vi invitiamo a porre le vostre domande in questa conversazione entro il 22 ottobre. Risponderò a quelle più comuni entro un paio di settimane.
Grazie di essere parte della nostra community. Siete il nostro fiore all'occhiello!
A presto,
👉 Assicuratevi di rispettare le linee guida sulla sessione di domande e risposte qui di seguito:
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Hola, comunidad de anfitriones:
Me llamo Christy Schrader y soy la directora de Community Engagement en Airbnb. Hemos organizado una ronda de preguntas y respuestas sobre el lanzamiento de invierno del 2024 y me encantaría que participaras.
Airbnb ha anunciado hoy algunas novedades para ayudarte a hospedar. Ahora, te resultará aún más sencillo ganar dinero como coanfitrión, encontrar uno, consultar información importante sobre tus ingresos y comunicarte de manera más eficiente con los huéspedes. También hemos presentado opciones más personalizadas para los huéspedes en la aplicación que incluyen nuevas funciones de búsqueda.
Nos encantaría saber lo que piensas sobre estos cambios. Puedes dejarnos las dudas que te surjan en este hilo antes del 22 de octubre. En dos semanas, responderé a las principales preguntas.
Gracias por ser una pieza esencial de la comunidad de Airbnb.
Un saludo,
👉Ten en cuenta estas pautas cuando vayas a formular tus preguntas:
🇧🇷 🇵🇹 Leia este tópico Portuguese:
Olá, comunidade de anfitriões,
Meu nome é Christy Schrader e sou diretora de Engajamento da Comunidade no Airbnb. Estou muito feliz em receber você na sessão de perguntas e respostas sobre a edição de outubro de 2024.
Hoje, o Airbnb anunciou várias novidades para ajudar você a receber hóspedes. Será mais fácil encontrar um coanfitrião, ganhar dinheiro como coanfitrião, obter informações valiosas sobre seus ganhos e se comunicar de forma mais eficiente com os hóspedes. Também anunciamos um aplicativo mais personalizado para os hóspedes, que inclui novos recursos de busca.
Aguardamos seu feedback sobre as atualizações mais recentes. Compartilhe suas dúvidas nesta conversa até 22 de outubro. Compartilharei as respostas para as principais perguntas em algumas semanas.
Agradecemos a vocês por serem uma parte tão importante da comunidade do Airbnb.
👉 Siga estas orientações ao elaborar perguntas:
🇩🇪 Lies diesen Beitrag auf Deutsch:
Hallo liebe Gastgeberinnen und Gastgeber,
mein Name ist Christy Schrader. Ich bin Director of Community Engagement bei Airbnb. Ich freue mich sehr, euch angesichts des Winter-Updates 2024 Frage und Antwort stehen zu dürfen.
Airbnb hat einige Neuerungen angekündigt, die euch beim Gastgeben zusätzlich unterstützen sollen. Ab sofort ist es einfacher, Co‑Gastgeber:innen zu finden, euch selbst als Co‑Gastgeber:innen etwas dazuzuverdienen, wertvolle Einblicke in eure Einkünfte zu erhalten und effizienter mit euren Gästen zu kommunizieren. Außerdem haben wir die App für Gäste noch weiter personalisiert und neue Suchfunktionen eingeführt.
Wir freuen uns schon jetzt auf euer Feedback zu den neuesten Upgrades. Bitte teilt eure Fragen bis zum 22. Oktober in diesem Nachrichten-Thread. Ich werde in ein paar Wochen Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen geben.
Danke, dass ihr die Airbnb-Community zu dem macht, was sie ist.
Herzliche Grüße
eure Christy
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🇳🇱 Lees dit artikel in het Nederlands:
Hoi allemaal,
Mijn naam is Christy Schrader en ik ben de Director of Community Engagement bij Airbnb. Welkom bij de Q&A voor Airbnb 2024: nieuw deze winter.
Airbnb heeft vandaag verbeteringen aangekondigd speciaal voor hosts. Zo wordt het makkelijker om een co-host te vinden, geld te verdienen als co-host, inzicht te krijgen in je inkomsten en efficiënter te communiceren met gasten. Daarnaast hebben we een meer gepersonaliseerde app voor gasten aangekondigd met nieuwe zoekfuncties.
We zijn benieuwd wat je van de verbeteringen vindt. Heb je vragen, stel ze dan vóór 22 oktober onder dit bericht. Over een paar weken kom ik bij jullie terug met antwoorden op de belangrijkste vragen.
Bedankt voor je bijdrage aan de Airbnb-community.
Hartelijke groet,
👉 Volg de onderstaande richtlijnen voor Q&A's:
Hi @Christy-Schrader , thank you for this opportunity to ask questions. Great to see the new updates.
I love the focus on making it easier to find and compare listings with recommended filters based on how guests travel, and highlighting relevant amenities.
One filter that would make the biggest difference would be to be able to filter for a bath. As a parent of a young man with a disability, it’s challenging to find accessible accommodation, and I love that there are searchable accessibility features, however we can search for a shower seat, step free shower, and shower grab rails, but for some of us showers are inaccessible and a bathtub is essential for accessibility. I’m sure this is also the situation for many others - parents with babies/children, for example - so this could be a filter under general amenities, not specifically accessibility features. Currently the only way I have been able to find that is to look through the photos in each listing to see if I can see a bath. So my question is if there is the possibility this could be added to the filters in future?
Could you PLEASE stop with you "updates" until you have fixed the previous issues???!!!? Yes, the exlamation marks are needed!
You need to pause the releases! They are killing your hosts and you don't seem to care one bit.
What for example? What's killing hosts right now?
Als Superhost en gast maak ik veel gebruik van de website maar door de vele wijzigingen is het soms moeilijk iets terug te vinden.
Als gast zoek ik ook een manier om B&B's/kamers langs een snelweg te vinden; het zou heel handig zijn dat er een filter komt voor kamers op bv 10 min rijden van een autosnelweg.
Nu zoek ik de B&B en gebruik daarna de google maps om te kijken hoever het is.
Als de snelwegen beter worden aangegeven op de kaarten van Airbnb zou het zoeken al makkelijker worden maar filter: 'Kamer 10 min rijden vanaf de snelweg' zou grandioos zijn.
[Translation added by Community Manager]
As a Superhost and guest I use the website a lot but due to the many changes it is sometimes difficult to find something.
As a guest I am also looking for a way to find B&Bs/rooms along a highway; it would be very useful if there was a filter for rooms e.g. 10 minutes drive from a highway.
Now I search for the B&B and then use Google Maps to see how far it is.
If the highways were better indicated on the Airbnb maps, searching would be easier but filter: 'Room 10 minutes drive from the highway' would be great.
Thanks for opening this thread! I am excited and curious about the Co-host network. Unfortunately AirBnB Superhost Support does not seem to know anything about it. I have been trying to sign up to be part of the co-host network and I am getting an automated denial message even though I qualify for all the requirements as listed. When I reached out to support they told me "Regarding the Co-hosting Network, we apologize, but as much as we want to, we have no information that we can provide you." I asked if they had a different email address or phone number for help with the new release and they said they had no information whatsoever.
Anyway, I would like to join! Wondering if there are bugs, or maybe it isn't actually available for sign-up yet?
Did you email: cohosts@airbnb.com
Yep, they never replied (it's been over 48 hours)
Hi @Philip2113 ,
Welcome to the Community Center!
I've shared your report internally to rule out this isn’t a bug.
In the meantime, I wanted to share this Help Center article in case you'd like to explore the criteria and requirements to join and stay on the Co-Host Network.
Hi Christy!!
I can’t wait for the upcoming quick replies feature to be implemented.
In my case, the road leading to my listing can be a bit tricky to find, so I always send guests a picture of the landmark at the corner just before their arrival.
Will the quick replies feature include the ability to send images?
I think the guest mode has become very easy to use. I love all the illustrations and colors.
I love the Airbnb illustrations and Velo mark. it would be great if we could send original Airbnb stamps in the messages we send to our guests as well!
Rie from Japan
Gracias, @Christy-Schrader , por siempre responder y tomar en cuenta las opiniones de la comunidad. Sin duda, la creación de una red de coanfitriones ha sido el pilar fundamental de esta actualización. ¿Se tiene previsto que los demás países de la región se integren a esta red durante este año, o tendríamos que esperar hasta el próximo año para ver estos avances en el resto de Latinoamérica?
[Translation added by Community Manager]
Thank you, @Christy-Schrader, for always responding and taking into account the opinions of the community. Undoubtedly, the creation of a co-host network has been the cornerstone of this update. Is it planned for other countries in the region to join this network during this year, or should we wait until next year to see these advancements in the rest of Latin America?
Thank you for posting Q&A thread regarding with the Winter Release. I haven't used all functions but I really liked the new revenue report. It's smooth and accessible to see overall sales data and details. It helps my productivity.
By the way, I was a bit worried to see the co-host market was top featured but it's not installed in Japan. I would like Airbnb to mention about it, otherwise Airbnb customer support would receive many inquiries from hosts wondering if it works in Japan.
I hope we can focus on better hosting by using new available functions.
Hi @Christy-Schrader
Kudos for the continuous improvements and updates.
1, The illustration next to the destination name in the search is cute and motivates guests to travel, so I like it.
Personally, I always think that the peak of a trip may be after the departure, but it's important to have a gimmick to make users excited about the trip from the search phase, so these small updates like this are my favorite. The airbnb searching experience should be a bit magical.
However, cities with easily identifiable landmarks, such as LA Paris and London, are fine, but other cities need a little more variation in their pictures.
2, In some cases, a few stations are not listed as options in the search by train station.
Is sorting based on the number of passengers or other factors?
One of the hosts said he was disappointed that the nearest station of his listing was not an option.
Similarly, I feel like there are not many search options by famous tourist spots in rural areas, so hopefully more will be added gradually in the future.
Hi @Shinya0, Thanks for sharing your feedback with us. We've shared it with our teams for consideration!
Buenos días @Christy-Schrader
Tengo una serie de preguntas sobre el programa de Coanfitrionoes. Supongo que muchas de ellas están ya contestadas en los diferentes foros pero realmente, a veces es demasiado complicado entender la información presentada o llegar a la respuesta correcta
1.- Contrato privado: en la comunidad de Galicia, las personas que gestionan pisos de terceros han de aparecer en la solicitud de la licencia VUT (vivienda de uso turístico ) y ha de existir algún contrato de servicios entre el anfitrión y el propietarios. Pero no queda muy claro si la gestión desde Airbnb establece un "contrato" entre ambas partes o sería necesario la redacción de un contrato adicional entre ambas partes.
2.- Los cobros se realizan a través de la plataforma. Pero es necesario remitir facturas de IVA al propietario y darse de alta en la actividad económica. ¿Tiene en cuenta Airbnb el IVA en la comisión? 0 ¿Del porcentaje total de comisión ya va incluido el IVA y por lo tanto en la factura, la Base imponible es inferior al cobro para tenerlo en cuenta?
3.- Normativa. Por lo general se supone que todos los propietarios disponen de la documentación relativa a la solicitud de licencia. Sin embargo, disponer de una licencia VUT no es sinónimo de cumplir la normativa ya que solicita mediante una declaración responsable y no es necesario la presentación de la documentación durante su tramitación. En el caso de sanciones administrativas, ¿Quién sería el responsable? ¿El propietario o el anfitrión por la gestión de un inmueble que no cumple la normativa?
Espero que puedan solucionar estas dudas.
Gracias de antemano
[Translation added by Community Manager]
Hola @Jul12917 , muchísimas gracias por tus preguntas.
La verdad es que son muy relevantes, aunque también muy específicas a tu localidad, por lo que te animo a que las publiques en la sección de la red de coanfitriones.
En esta sección de red de coanfitriones los moderadores tendrán más contexto respecto a las especificaciones de tu localidad y podrás obtener información más detallada.
[Translation added by Community Manager]
Hello @Jul12917, thank you so much for your questions.
They are indeed very relevant, though also very specific to your locality, so I encourage you to post them in the co-host network section.
In this co-host network section, the moderators will have more context regarding the specifications of your locality, and you'll be able to obtain more detailed information.