The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise fr...
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The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise from top left, are: Zamani Khumalo, Geoff Gedge, Arturo Blas, Anse...
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Hi everyone,
Let me take a second to introduce myself: I’m Laura Chambers, and I lead the team at Airbnb that’s dedicated to helping hosts like you succeed. (You might remember me from the most recent Host Q&A.) I’ve been a fan and engaged user of Airbnb for a long time, but since I officially joined the team here in July, one thing has become even more clear to me: It’s the wonderful community of hosts that makes Airbnb so special.
Within the Airbnb hosting community, we’re particularly appreciative of Superhosts. As 2018 draws to a close, we wanted to do something special to celebrate them. So today, I’m thrilled to announce that we’re kicking off an exciting new event for the first time ever: Superhost Week!
Congratulations to those of you who are Superhosts. It’s such a huge achievement. Airbnb’s community is powered by great hospitality and trust, and you exemplify that spirit and excellence. It should be no surprise that Superhosts earn about 22% more on average*—guests really value your hospitality.
This week will be full of celebrations and recognition. Here’s what Superhosts can expect:
If guests are curious and click to learn more, they’ll go to a brand new web page where we’re showcasing Superhosts. This page will help them better understand the Superhost badge icon on your listing, as a symbol of the amazing hospitality you provide.
I hope you enjoy this week of celebration! We’re committed to continually improving the Superhost program, and some changes are already underway. For example, we just introduced new criteria to ensure that hosts who host longer stays have fair access to becoming Superhosts. I’d love to hear your ideas for what we can do to make the program even better. Let me know your suggestions in the comments below. I’ll be checking in throughout the week.
Congratulations again to those of you who are Superhosts. Thanks for everything you do— and happy hosting!
*Based on internal Airbnb data comparing median aggregate revenue earned by Superhosts to other hosts (with 10+ bookings) on the platform worldwide during 2017.
Lead, Airbnb Core Hosts & Community
Here's my Community Spotlight!
What are your favorite notes from your guests?
I would like to say thank you to all the AirBnb support staff who have been so very helpful whenever I have needed it It ngives me confidence in AirBnb and makes being a part of this organization a joy from every angle. I consider myself technically challenged or in layman terms - useless. I have little to no trouble navigating the website and a sense of confidence while doing so Thank you, Jill
Season's Greetings from The Cottage in Tacoma, Washington. Working with Airbnb guests has been a delightful experience for us. We have hosted people from Sweden, Norway, and all over the US in our first year of opening The Cottage and each guest has been wonderfully unique and interesting. Some wanting interaction, others we have barely met and because The Cottage is self-standing building, both approaches work. Our wonderful repeat guest, Sherry, purchased colorful additions to make The Cottage feel more like home for the next guests. Where else could we experience such generosity...
Thank you, Airbnb for the opportunity to create a safe, cozy and very affordable space for your guests. Happy Holidays to all with a big thank you to Airbnb Staff. Terri & Fred,
Thank you, Airbnb for the extra consideration. As a Superhost since day one, it feels good to receive perks from you. I did have someone check the "finding of my listing" and YES, they said I did appear faster than before when they looked for me. It feels good to be recognized for the extra efforts we do to please our guests. Thanks again, Peggy from South Los Angeles
Hi Laura,
Thank you for the work you do to help hosts succeed. As a host yourself, I‘m sure you understand the challenges involved in maintaining superhost status. All hosts know that it is impossible to please every guest. And, ironically, it’s usually the guests that hosts bend over backwards for that give less than 5 stars. I have a suggestion for Airbnb: Allow hosts to throw out one in 20 or 25 reviews: the anomalies. Studies show that 5% of the population are psychopaths. Airbnb can even require documentation and an explanation as to why the review should be thrown out. I see on the forums and hear when I stay with other hosts about experiences similar to mine of guests that are impossible to please or that did not even read the listing description and have unrealistic expectations. Support superhosts by allowing for reasonable review of outlier reviews and the chance to discard them. Thanks for listening. : )
I like this idea as well. Although I do appreciate getting feedback that helps me improve, I don't necessarily like to read about it in perpetuity. A low rating and negative comment from someone who is difficult to please can have immediate negative impacts on bookings and income. Limited editing of such comments by hosts could be helpful and would eliminate the concern about that element of society that just can't be made happy.
YES!!! That is a great suggestion, Karin! I hope Airbnb will implement your idea.
Hello Laura. Today i got an e mail from the team regarding my account. I can not comeback to Airbnb. I worked very hard to be a superhost for two years. Airbnb has no compation for people in general. It is hard to be ignored and dumped. Thanks for everything. Carlo
What happened, Carlo?
Airbnb suspended and deactivated my account last october. I was a superhost for two years only two negative reviews from 156 5 stars revies, One of the negative revies was very insulting, i responded in private chat and touched his origen and was bit rude to him as he was to me. Airbnb inmidiatly fired me to protect the guest and his country of origen. I chatted with laura administrater but she can do nothing, only the up stairs Team ( case mangers) decided not to take me back. I found this is more dicriminatory from what i did. We all make mistakes an a second chance should be given. Thanks for caring. Carlo
I’m so sorry that happened, Carlo. Don’t give up!
I haven't seen the AirBnB magazine mentioned. Is that supposed to be mailed to us?
I wish Airbn Spetialiced Team will listen to people ( host and guest) They have an arogant cold actitude and behavier like Robots. If we make mistakes they should warn us and help us to better service the guest All other Airbnb workers are very nice and profetional but the up stairs team is not, I need support from all superhost in this page to be activated again in the future. I invite you to click my profile and read all the wonderful reviews i had and the daily work i put in. i do not deserve to be treated like this. Thanks to All and Hapy New Year. Carlo
Go Superhosts!
Hi Laura,
I was expecting to gain Superhost status as of 1 Jan as I have exceeded all the criteria. However, my 'Opportunities' page suggests I need to wait until 14 Jan for the assessment period?
Does it take it 2 weeks for you to award the status - because it says a couple of days in the Help section.
Please respond... we are making a decision whether to continue with AirBnB - we were hoping that the Superhost status might make our home more viable as an earner in which case we would continue. I hadn't expected to wait 2 weeks for the decision to be made.
Any info would be helpful! I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Many thanks,
Also Laura, is it possible to email someone directly? There are other problems with my account - eg the Price Tips suggest tips for my one room listing... I cannot rent out an entire house for £25 a night or less, as you recommend!
I hope you respond soon, thank you!