[Poll] Do you allow pets, and would you consider allowing them in the future?

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London, United Kingdom

[Poll] Do you allow pets, and would you consider allowing them in the future?



Hello everyone,

I wanted to do a poll on whether you allow/accept pets. Would you consider allowing them in the future, following the news that was recently shared?


I know that some members of this community have mentioned that they have (multiple) pets, and over time we've seen lovely photo's of them on our "Meet the pets" topic! 


It would be very interesting to hear your thoughts about this subject, whether you have a pet or not 🙂



Alternatively, if you have any other reasons why you allow or do not allow pets, please comment below in the thread telling us more about your choice and why.


Thank you,





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70 Replies 70
Level 1
Fossil, OR

I allow "well behaved dogs" but no cats, hedgehogs, or other furry guests.  It seems that about 85% of my guests now are traveling with a family pet or two. I decided to be "dog friendly" about 2 years into hosting and my airbnb cottage has had lots of friendly canine visitors in the last 2 years.
In my area which is very rural, people come to be outdoors hiking and visiting outdoor tourist sites. There are few lodging options which allow dogs to stay, so this has been a great marketing tool for me.  I think that anyone with a severe dog allergy is going to "self-select" to stay elsewhere. We clean all linens, surfaces, floors, and the air thoroughly after each visitor stay.  I have had ZERO problems with messes, stains or destruction of furnishings, and 100% appreciation from pet owners that we provide poop bags, extra throws for furniture, and a water bowl for their 4 legged family members.

My cottage is sparkling clean and well appointed so my guests seem to treat the space with great respect and often I can't even tell they were there, they even vacuum up their pet hair if it sheds.


I would probably NOT allow pets if my cottage was in a city because leaving the dog in the airbnb space for tourist activities where dogs aren't allowed could be problematic. I do not allow dogs to be left unattended - even crated in the cottage or left outside in a vehicle in hot or cold weather.


Level 10
Boston, MA

I did initially allow both dogs and cats, but in several cases there was damage done (e.g. scratching of the door, chewing, etc.) because the owners DID leave the dogs alone, even though they said they wouldn't.

One was a "service dog" but she seemed to manage just fine without his services when she went out without him and left him alone in the unit....so he chewed the door to console himself. 


I am also concerned about allergies, especially to cats, so have had to take the "no pets" route. 

Level 10
Wilmington, NC

Oh @Quincy  what a fun post!


I think there are perfectly good reasons for not allowing pets in rentals. Logical ones, I can 100% agree with. It's the other reasons that make me cringe. And to be honest anyone who says they just don't "like" animals kinda scares me. That's like saying you don't like Mr. Rogers or Betty White!


I've always allowed dogs and will continue to do so. Yes, there's a risk. But there's a risk with any guest and the guests that have caused me the most headaches and/or damage did not bring pets.


After reading the comments I imagine some in this discussion would be horrified to know I've traveled with all my dogs extensively because dogs LOVE and deserve to sniff the world around them as often as possible. This past October I took a week-long road trip with my current dog from NC to Key West. He had an absolute BLAST! He was oohed and ahhed at over at each hotel. He was a perfect gentleman at each restaurant and enjoyed special treats. (at one restaurant the servers kept requesting bacon from the kitchen to feed him, LOL!) We went kayaking and hiked many miles at some great outdoor spots and he took in all the sights and sounds with me. Leave him at home? He'd be happier? Ummm, no.


I only stayed at one Airbnb during this road trip, but I was appreciative that they allowed pets.


Griffin's world is much better with a variety of experiences. Whether a host wants to allow or not allow dogs in their rental is their call, but anyone who says dogs should stay home or be placed in a kennel because they're happier that way does not have an understanding of dogs' needs.


PS - Y'all do know that people do weird things and have sex (with or without a partner) in rentals, right? I'll take an accidental dog poop on the floor over unknown body fluids in the bedroom ANY day. Same for the aversion to dogs on the bed. Trust me, what my dog will do on your bed pales in comparison to the activities humans will do on your bed!

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Quincy yes we allow pets and we have never had a significant problem with them. They clearly expand our market and allow us to charge higher prices.

Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Quincy no we don't have pets stay because I am concerned that a guest could have an anaphaltic fit if there was any residual left behind from the previous person and their pet. Being a nurse I have seen this before so I am aware and alert.

But we sometimes granny sit our sons dogs a couple of times a yearbut  I do  pre-warn next guests and we put up a fence so they do not have contact with the dogs.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Laurelle3 @Lisa723 @Suzanne302 @Susie5 @Anne10562 @Ann783 @Christine615 @Mark116 @Emilia42 @Linda108 @Linda3345 @John5097 @Lorna170 @Branka-and-Silvia0 @M199 @Laura2592  Hi everyone, I just wanted to share the results of the poll here (click on the image to enlarge) 🙂






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@QuincyAs a host, I love the results of this poll. I definitely have a huge booking advantage over rentals that do not allow pets! As a guest, I'm disappointed, because unless I take an airplane, I usually travel with my dog and that means fewer choices on where to stay.

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Interesting.  Thank you.

Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Quincy Interesting results, our local area has seen a lot more of dogs been walked by the beach. In Australia many families bought pets because of covid and lockdowns. Also  holiday accommodation started to advertise pets can stay or not stay. So fhis allowed guests have a choice along with hosts saying no.

Thanks for the survey, the topic is still divided.

Level 2
Woodland, CA

I allow pets (and even have a dedicated dog space) because I plan to sometimes stay at my Airbnb and I have animals, so it just made sense. Also, the home has a built-in doggie door so it really just made sense to do that. I was considering adding a 'doggie bed sheet' or something that guests can cover the bed with if they allow their pets onto furniture that they will wash before they leave. Haven't made a final decision on that yet so if you have any input, I would appreciate it!dog area.jpg

We allow dogs and now charge a small fee of $10. a dog. But our guests are not allowed to leave their dogs here in the Mushroom Dome Cabin by themselves. We have a deck with a doggie gate so their dogs can be outside with their human families. We also require that they bring a cover for the couch and a dog bed. And they have to have their dogs on a leash when they aren't on the deck as we have cats, a tiny dog and chickens.

Very rarely since we created these rules have we had any problems and it is wonderful to allow the fur babies to come visit too. Our door mat to the cabin says "Home is where my dog is".

Hello - how do you charge the $10 fee? Is it a separate transaction on Airbnb? I tried to figure out how to add a fee but couldn't find where it would go. Thanks!

Level 6
California, United States

Our homes consider allowing pets for each booking that makes a request. Since 2020 I have noticed more requests asking for the dog or dogs to come with their owners.  Pet fees will obviously vary depending on the location and is based on what is provided and what the market will bear. Each situation is vetted when the inquiry is made prior to booking. If the pet/pets are approved, the guest agrees to the pet fee that is currently charged through the Airbnb Resolution Center. Recently I have offered a pet sitting service so the pet/pets are not left alone for extended periods of time in a new place. The pet sitting service has been helpful for all. Reef (photo below) was an approved pet that was attended while his family spent 6 hours at a wedding. There was a additional charge for the service in addition to the pet fee. The guest was happy, the dog was happy the host was happy.  I recognize hosting pets isn't for everyone, but it can be a rewarding positive experience for all involved. The upside has been outweighing the downside by far. Vetting the owners and learning about their pets has been the key for me deciding to have them stay.  I love Airbnb's thoughtfulness and policy modifications making the pet experience work. I am excited about the possibilities and having the freedom to try their new system. Happy Hosting. reefatbayshore2021.jpg

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

Here is the new booking form which includes the pet fee. Note the wording for the pet fee. "If you're lucky enough to have more than 2 pets with you"??? What on earth is wrong with these people? This is not going to be any benefit to hosts and I predict that posts about guests arriving with multiple undisclosed pets will take the place of pleadings for a pet fee.






Level 6
California, United States

Hi Sarah,  It is my understanding the format Airbnb is attempting to produce is a work in process. Guests have already been "smuggling" pets in. I would rather know than not know. My listings still reserve my right to approve the pet/pets. It isn't automatic even though I have instant book on and the listing reflects such. The service animal should be a separate section with a provision to upload the service animal credentials given there are specific governmental rules and regulations that dictate what a service animal is and how we are to work with the situation. Just saying the pets are service animals does not suffice for satisfying the requirement for being a service animal.  Happy Hosting.
