Adress changement

Level 1
Montreal, Canada

Adress changement

Hi I would like to change my adress 

I was in Quebec, now I am in toronto and I would like to offer my host services in Toronto. What I need to do


1 Reply 1

Hi @Thierry1059 


To offer your hosting services in Toronto through Airbnb, you'll need to update your address and potentially adjust your listing details. Here's how to do it:


Update Your Address:

  1. Log into your Airbnb account.
  2. Click your name at the top right corner and select ‘Account’ then ‘Personal info’.
  3. Change your location to Toronto.

Adjust Your Listings:

  1. Go to the host menu and select your listings.
  2. Create new listings for Toronto or update existing ones with the new address and details about local attractions.

By updating your address and listings, you'll be ready to host in Toronto. Happy hosting!


All the best,

Upfish management