Alberta Canada business licence

Level 2
Calgary, Canada

Alberta Canada business licence

Hello folks, just wondering what's required for registering an Airbnb. Do you just need to go to the registries office and register your business and get a business identification number? Or is this not required? My understanding from my local city, Calgary, is that we do not require a city business permit for this type of operation... Has that been anyone's experience?

Also, I have my property available 185 days per year and I offer the whole house. To make this a legitimate business that the CRA will consider, is this all I require or do I need to offer other services such as cooking, tours, etc.?


Would love to get into a conversation with anybody in the same boat and discuss ideas and strategies with regards to Airbnb.


Thanks in advance!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Montreal, Canada

Allô @Bryan594 


Did you look to see see if your area had a local hits club that could help you with your issue.

Good luck in your research

Level 1
Edmonton, Canada

Hello Bryan


Where you able to sort this out ?