The last couple of days my calendar on my phone just has a b...
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The last couple of days my calendar on my phone just has a blank screen cannot access it.Tried to reboot,turn of phone etc bu...
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Is it possible to *appear* like your place is booked to someone who you don’t want to stay again? They have said they will book again the next few weekends - I don’t want to report them or block them, they are perfectly nice, just not my sort of person and I’d rather have the potential of someone new able to book. I have instant book as Air BnB encourages it… perhaps I should change that?
@Nicky174 No, if you don't block them or say you wouldn't host them again on the review form, all you can do is block the dates, which would prevent you from renting to someone else.
As far as using IB because Airbnb "encourages it", Airbnb encourages all kinds of things that may not be to a host's benefit. For instance, they also encourage hosts to accept long term bookings, yet only guarantee the first month's payment, and don't collect a security deposit. They encourage hosts to take last minute bookings, when those bookings are often quite problematic. They encourage hosts to offer discounts, when that may not make sense for you financially.
What they encourage has nothing to do with your business being successful and running smoothly and safely for you. It's just about getting guests to book fast and furiously so they can collect their service fees.
Do what works for you. I have never used IB, have a 2 day advance notice for booking, a 3 day minimum and 2 week maximum. That works for me, I get wonderful guests, and I pay zero attention to what Airbnb encourages.
Thank you so much for your advice.
You already mentioned the options you have if you do not want the guests to book again....
Turning of IB at least give you manually control about reservations.
Thanks Mark.
Sorry, thanks Emiel1 (not Mark :-D)
@Nicky174 Have you reviewed them? Click "Would not host again" on the review. You may need to have the instant book setting of requiring guests with previous recommendations. They will not be able to instant book and will send a request instead. Then decline it.
@Emilia42 I wonder about that. We all have that option on the review form, even if we don't use IB, but I've never read anything about whether it would prevent someone from sending a request to that host again.
@Sarah977 It doesn't prevent someone from sending a request. Airbnb would never take away the option of a guest's attempt to book unless they were flagged or blocked. But for IB hosts, the "would not host again" button gives us the option to decline in the future.
Thanks Emilia. So if I select 'would not host again' when reviewing them, and ensure I have the setting 'host recommendation required' on IB, then they would have to request in future? That seems like a good resolve! Do guests know when you have selected 'would not host again' ?