Blocked calendar Scotland

Level 1
Nethy Bridge, United Kingdom

Blocked calendar Scotland

Hi shoudl I block my calendar for July for Scotland? It seems unlikely that I will be able to operate as the scottish gov has not said when it will ease lockdown on accommodation providers but it looks like it won't be until August. I don't want to get penallised as a superhost.  Any tips?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

You won't be penalised for blocking out any dates, @Abigail-And-Andy0, in these times. 

@Abigail-And-Andy0  There's absolutely no penalty for blocking your calendar, and for at least the next quarter Airbnb is waiving the minimum number of stays to keep Superhost.


However, if you choose to accept July bookings at this stage but have to cancel them due to extended restrictions, I'm not sure Airbnb will exempt you from cancellation penalties.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Anonymous I cannot believe that Airbnb would not allow a booking to be cancelled free of charge if it were illegal to host. 

@Abigail-And-Andy0 Who knows what Nicola Sturgeon will come up with in July. It seems she just wants to do things differently from Boris!

@Mike-And-Jane0  It's not clear to me that bookings placed well after the lockdown orders came into place will still be granted "extenuating circumstances" when the restrictions are extended. So it seems risky for a host in Scotland to accept them anyway and just assume you can get out of them scot-free, so to speak.


The only responsible advice I can offer is to keep the calendar blocked until a date for easing restrictions is formally announced. Why make a commitment when you don't even know if you can legally fulfill it?